package VNWeb::Discussions::Thread; use VNWeb::Prelude; use VNWeb::Discussions::Lib; my $POLL_OUT = form_compile any => { question => {}, max_options => { uint => 1 }, num_votes => { uint => 1 }, can_vote => { anybool => 1 }, preview => { anybool => 1 }, tid => { id => 1 }, options => { aoh => { id => { id => 1 }, option => {}, votes => { uint => 1 }, my => { anybool => 1 }, } }, }; my $POLL_IN = form_compile any => { tid => { id => 1 }, options => { type => 'array', values => { id => 1 } }, }; elm_form 'DiscussionsPoll' => $POLL_OUT, $POLL_IN; my $REPLY_OUT = form_compile any => { tid => { id => 1 }, newurl => { }, }; my $REPLY_IN = form_compile any => { tid => { id => 1 }, msg => { maxlength => 32768 } }; elm_form 'DiscussionsReply' => $REPLY_OUT, $REPLY_IN; sub metabox_ { my($t) = @_; div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { h1_ $t->{title}; h2_ 'Hidden' if $t->{hidden}; h2_ 'Private' if $t->{private}; h2_ 'Posted in'; ul_ sub { li_ sub { a_ href => "/t/$_->{type}", $BOARD_TYPE{$_->{type}}{txt}; if($_->{iid}) { txt_ ' > '; a_ style => 'font-weight: bold', href => "/t/$_->{type}$_->{iid}", "$_->{type}$_->{iid}"; txt_ ':'; if($_->{title}) { a_ href => "/$_->{type}$_->{iid}", title => $_->{original}, $_->{title}; } else { b_ '[deleted]'; } } } for $t->{boards}->@*; }; } } sub posts_ { my($t, $posts, $page) = @_; my sub url { "/t$t->{id}".($_?"/$_":'') } paginate_ \&url, $page, [ $t->{count}, 25 ], 't'; div_ class => 'mainbox thread', sub { table_ class => 'stripe', sub { tr_ mkclass(deleted => $_->{hidden}), id => $_->{num}, sub { td_ class => 'tc1', $t->{count} == $_->{num} ? (id => 'last') : (), sub { a_ href => "/t$t->{id}.$_->{num}", "#$_->{num}"; if(!$_->{hidden}) { txt_ ' by '; user_ $_; br_; txt_ fmtdate $_->{date}, 'full'; } }; td_ class => 'tc2', sub { i_ class => 'edit', sub { txt_ '< '; a_ href => "/t$t->{id}.$_->{num}/edit", 'edit'; txt_ ' >'; } if can_edit t => $_; if($_->{hidden}) { i_ class => 'deleted', 'Post deleted.'; } else { lit_ bb2html $_->{msg}; i_ class => 'lastmod', 'Last modified on '.fmtdate($_->{edited}, 'full') if $_->{edited}; } }; } for @$posts; }; }; paginate_ \&url, $page, [ $t->{count}, 25 ], 'b'; } sub reply_ { my($t, $page) = @_; return if $t->{count} > $page*25; if(can_edit t => $t) { elm_ 'Discussions.Reply' => $REPLY_OUT, { tid => $t->{id}, newurl => post_url($t->{id}, $t->{count}+1) }; } else { div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { h1_ 'Reply'; p_ class => 'center', !auth ? 'You must be logged in to reply to this thread.' : $t->{locked} ? 'This thread has been locked, you can\'t reply to it anymore.' : 'You can not currently reply to this thread.'; } } } TUWF::get qr{/$RE{tid}(?:/$RE{num})?}, sub { my($id, $page) = (tuwf->capture('id'), tuwf->capture('num')||1); my $t = tuwf->dbRowi( 'SELECT id, title, count, hidden, locked, private , poll_question, poll_max_options FROM threads t WHERE', sql_visible_threads(), 'AND id =', \$id ); return tuwf->resNotFound if !$t->{id}; enrich_boards '', $t; my $posts = tuwf->dbPagei({ results => 25, page => $page }, 'SELECT tp.tid as id, tp.num, tp.hidden, tp.msg', ',', sql_user(), ',', sql_totime(''), ' as date', ',', sql_totime('tp.edited'), ' as edited FROM threads_posts tp JOIN users u ON tp.uid = WHERE tp.tid =', \$id, ' ORDER BY tp.num' ); my $poll_options = $t->{poll_question} && tuwf->dbAlli( 'SELECT, tpo.option, count(tpv.uid) as votes, tpm.optid IS NOT NULL as my FROM threads_poll_options tpo LEFT JOIN threads_poll_votes tpv ON tpv.optid = LEFT JOIN threads_poll_votes tpm ON tpm.optid = AND tpm.uid =', \auth->uid, ' WHERE tpo.tid =', \$id, ' GROUP BY, tpo.option, tpm.optid' ); framework_ title => $t->{title}, sub { metabox_ $t; elm_ 'Discussions.Poll' => $POLL_OUT, { question => $t->{poll_question}, max_options => $t->{poll_max_options}, num_votes => tuwf->dbVali('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT uid) FROM threads_poll_votes WHERE tid =', \$id), preview => !!tuwf->reqGet('pollview'), # Old non-Elm way to preview poll results can_vote => !!auth, tid => $id, options => $poll_options } if $t->{poll_question}; posts_ $t, $posts, $page; reply_ $t, $page; } }; TUWF::get qr{/$RE{postid}}, sub { my($id, $num) = (tuwf->capture('id'), tuwf->capture('num')); tuwf->resRedirect(post_url($id, $num, $num), 'perm') }; json_api qr{/t/pollvote.json}, $POLL_IN, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth; my $t = tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT poll_question, poll_max_options FROM threads t WHERE id =', \$data->{tid}, 'AND', sql_visible_threads()); return tuwf->resNotFound if !$t->{poll_question}; die 'Too many options' if $data->{options}->@* > $t->{poll_max_options}; validate_dbid sql('SELECT id FROM threads_poll_options WHERE tid =', \$data->{tid}, 'AND id IN'), $data->{options}->@*; tuwf->dbExeci('DELETE FROM threads_poll_votes WHERE tid =', \$data->{tid}, 'AND uid =', \auth->uid); tuwf->dbExeci('INSERT INTO threads_poll_votes (tid, uid, optid) VALUES(', \$data->{tid}, ',', \auth->uid, ',', \$_, ')') for $data->{options}->@*; elm_Success }; json_api qr{/t/reply.json}, $REPLY_IN, sub { my($data) = @_; my $t = tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT id, locked, count FROM threads t WHERE id =', \$data->{tid}, 'AND', sql_visible_threads()); return tuwf->resNotFound if !$t->{id}; return elm_Unauth if !can_edit t => $t; my $num = $t->{count}+1; my $msg = bb_subst_links $data->{msg}; tuwf->dbExeci('INSERT INTO threads_posts (tid, num, uid, msg) VALUES (', sql_comma(\$t->{id}, \$num, \auth->uid, \$msg), ')'); tuwf->dbExeci('UPDATE threads SET count =', \$num, 'WHERE id =', \$t->{id}); elm_Success }; 1;