package VNWeb::HTML; use v5.26; use warnings; use utf8; use Algorithm::Diff::XS 'sdiff', 'compact_diff'; use JSON::XS; use TUWF ':html5_', 'uri_escape', 'html_escape', 'mkclass'; use Exporter 'import'; use POSIX 'ceil', 'floor', 'strftime'; use Carp 'croak'; use Digest::SHA; use JSON::XS; use VNDB::Config; use VNDB::BBCode; use VNDB::Skins; use VNDB::Types; use VNWeb::Auth; use VNWeb::Validation; use VNWeb::DB; use VNDB::Func 'fmtdate', 'rdate', 'tattr'; our @EXPORT = qw/ clearfloat_ platform_ debug_ join_ user_maybebanned_ user_ user_displayname rdate_ vnlength_ spoil_ elm_ widget framework_ revision_patrolled_ revision_ paginate_ sortable_ searchbox_ itemmsg_ editmsg_ /; # Ugly hack to move rendering down below the float object. sub clearfloat_ { div_ class => 'clearfloat', '' } # Platform icon sub platform_ { abbr_ class => "icon-plat-$_[0]", title => $PLATFORM{$_[0]}, ''; } # Throw any data structure on the page for inspection. sub debug_ { return if !tuwf->debug; # This provides a nice JSON browser in FF, not sure how other browsers render it. my $data = uri_escape(JSON::XS->new->canonical->allow_nonref->encode($_[0])); a_ style => 'margin: 0 5px', title => 'Debug', href => 'data:application/json,'.$data, ' ⚙ '; } # Similar to join($sep, map $f->(), @list), but works for HTML generation functions. # join_ ', ', sub { a_ href => '#', $_ }, @list; # join_ \&br_, \&txt_, @list; sub join_($&@) { my($sep, $f, @list) = @_; for my $i (0..$#list) { ref $sep ? $sep->() : txt_ $sep if $i > 0; local $_ = $list[$i]; $f->(); } } sub user_maybebanned_ { my($obj) = shift; my($prefix) = shift||'user_'; my sub f($) { $obj->{"${prefix}$_[0]"} } span_ title => join("\n", !f 'perm_board' ? "Banned from posting" : (), !f 'perm_edit' ? "Banned from editing" : (), ), '🚫' if defined f 'perm_board' && (!f 'perm_board' || !f 'perm_edit'); } # Display a user link, the given object must have the columns as fetched using DB::sql_user(). # Args: $object, $prefix, $capital sub user_ { my $obj = shift; my $prefix = shift||'user_'; my $capital = shift; my sub f($) { $obj->{"${prefix}$_[0]"} } my $softdel = !defined f 'name'; return small_ 'anonymous' if ($softdel && !auth->isMod) || !f 'id'; my $fancy = !(auth->pref('nodistract_can') && auth->pref('nodistract_nofancy')); my $uniname = f 'uniname_can' && f 'uniname'; a_ href => '/'.f('id'), $softdel ? (class => 'grayedout') : (), $fancy && $uniname ? (title => f('name'), $uniname) : (!$fancy && $uniname ? (title => $uniname) : (), ($capital ? f 'name' : f 'name') // f 'id'); txt_ '⭐' if $fancy && f 'support_can' && f 'support_enabled'; user_maybebanned_ $obj, $prefix; } # Similar to user_(), but just returns a string. Mainly for use in titles. sub user_displayname { my $obj = shift; my $prefix = shift||'user_'; my sub f($) { $obj->{"${prefix}$_[0]"} } return 'anonymous' if !f 'id'; my $fancy = !(auth->pref('nodistract_can') && auth->pref('nodistract_nofancy')); $fancy && f 'uniname_can' && f 'uniname' ? f 'uniname' : f('name') // f 'id' } # Display a release date. sub rdate_ { my $str = rdate $_[0]; $_[0] > strftime('%Y%m%d', gmtime) ? b_ class => 'future', $str : txt_ $str; } sub vnlength_ { my($l) = @_; my $h = floor($l/60); my $m = $l % 60; txt_ "${h}h" if $h; span_ class => 'small', "${m}m" if $h && $m; txt_ "${m}m" if !$h && $m; } # Spoiler indication supscript (used for tags & traits) sub spoil_ { sup_ title => 'Minor spoiler', 'S' if $_[0] == 1; sup_ title => 'Major spoiler', class => 'standout', 'S' if $_[0] == 2; } # Instantiate an Elm module. # $schema can be set to the string 'raw' to encode the JSON directly, without a normalizing through a schema. sub elm_ { my($mod, $schema, $data, $placeholder) = @_; die "Elm data without a schema" if defined $data && !defined $schema; tuwf->req->{js}{elm} = 1; push tuwf->req->{pagevars}{elm}->@*, [ $mod, $data ? ($schema eq 'raw' ? $data : $schema->analyze->coerce_for_json($data, unknown => 'remove')) : () ]; my @arg = (id => sprintf 'elm%d', $#{ tuwf->req->{pagevars}{elm} }); $placeholder ? $placeholder->(@arg) : div_ @arg, ''; } # Instantiate a JS widget. # Used as attribute to a html tag, which will then be used as parent node for the widget. # $schema is optional, if present it is used to normalize the data. sub widget { my($name, $schema, $data) = @_; $data = $data ? $schema->analyze->coerce_for_json($data, unknown => 'remove') : $schema; tuwf->req->{widget_id} //= 0; tuwf->req->{js}{ VNWeb::JS::widgets()->{$name} // die "No bundle found for widget '$name'" } = 1; my $id = ++tuwf->req->{widget_id}; push tuwf->req->{pagevars}{widget}{$name}->@*, [ $id, $data ]; (id => sprintf 'widget%d', $id) } # Generate a url to a file in gen/static/ and append a checksum. sub _staticurl { my($file) = @_; state %urls; $urls{$file} //= do { my $c = Digest::SHA->new('sha1'); $c->addfile(config->{gen_path}.'/static/'.$file); sprintf '%s/%s?%s', config->{url_static}, $file, substr $c->hexdigest(), 0, 8; }; } sub _head_ { my $o = shift; my $fancy = !(auth->pref('nodistract_can') && auth->pref('nodistract_nofancy')); my $pubskin = $fancy && $o->{dbobj} && $o->{dbobj}{id} =~ /^u/ ? tuwf->dbRowi( 'SELECT, customcss_csum, skin FROM users u JOIN users_prefs up ON = WHERE pubskin_can AND pubskin_enabled AND =', \$o->{dbobj}{id} ) : {}; my $skin = tuwf->reqGet('skin') || $pubskin->{skin} || auth->pref('skin') || ''; $skin = config->{skin_default} if !skins->{$skin}; my $customcss = $pubskin->{customcss_csum} ? [ $pubskin->{id}, $pubskin->{customcss_csum} ] : auth->pref('customcss_csum') ? [ auth->uid, auth->pref('customcss_csum') ] : undef; meta_ charset => 'utf-8'; title_ $o->{title}.' | vndb'; base_ href => tuwf->reqURI(); link_ rel => 'shortcut icon', href => '/favicon.ico', type => 'image/x-icon'; link_ rel => 'stylesheet', href => _staticurl("$skin.css"), type => 'text/css', media => 'all'; link_ rel => 'search', type => 'application/opensearchdescription+xml', title => 'VNDB Visual Novel Search', href => tuwf->reqBaseURI().'/opensearch.xml'; link_ rel => 'stylesheet', href => sprintf '/%s.css?%x', $customcss->[0], $customcss->[1] if $customcss; meta_ name => 'viewport', content => 'width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes' if tuwf->reqGet('mobile-test'); if($o->{feeds}) { link_ rel => 'alternate', type => 'application/atom+xml', href => "/feeds/announcements.atom", title => 'Site Announcements'; link_ rel => 'alternate', type => 'application/atom+xml', href => "/feeds/changes.atom", title => 'Recent Changes'; link_ rel => 'alternate', type => 'application/atom+xml', href => "/feeds/posts.atom", title => 'Recent Posts'; } meta_ name => 'robots', content => 'noindex' if !$o->{index} || tuwf->reqGet('view'); # Opengraph metadata if($o->{og}) { $o->{og}{site_name} ||= 'The Visual Novel Database'; $o->{og}{type} ||= 'object'; $o->{og}{image} ||= config->{placeholder_img}; $o->{og}{url} ||= tuwf->reqURI; $o->{og}{title} ||= $o->{title}; meta_ property => "og:$_", content => ($o->{og}{$_} =~ s/\n/ /gr) for sort keys $o->{og}->%*; } } sub _menu_ { my $o = shift; div_ id => 'support', sub { strong_ 'Support VNDB'; p_ sub { a_ href => '', 'Patreon'; a_ href => '', 'SubscribeStar'; } } if !(auth->pref('nodistract_can') && auth->pref('nodistract_noads')); article_ sub { h2_ 'Menu'; div_ sub { a_ href => '/', 'Home'; br_; a_ href => '/v', 'Visual novels'; br_; small_ '> '; a_ href => '/g', 'Tags'; br_; a_ href => '/r', 'Releases'; br_; a_ href => '/p', 'Producers'; br_; a_ href => '/s', 'Staff'; br_; a_ href => '/c', 'Characters'; br_; small_ '> '; a_ href => '/i', 'Traits'; br_; a_ href => '/u/all', 'Users'; br_; a_ href => '/hist', 'Recent changes'; br_; a_ href => '/t', 'Discussion board'; br_; a_ href => '/d6', 'FAQ'; br_; a_ href => '/v/rand','Random visual novel'; br_; a_ href => '/d11', 'API'; lit_ ' - '; a_ href => '/d14', 'Dumps'; lit_ ' - '; a_ href => '', 'Query'; }; form_ action => '/v', method => 'get', sub { fieldset_ sub { input_ type => 'text', class => 'text', id => 'sq', name => 'sq', value => $o->{search}||'', placeholder => 'search'; input_ type => 'submit', class => 'hidden', value => 'Search'; } } }; article_ sub { my $uid = '/'.auth->uid; h2_ sub { user_ auth->user, 'user_', 1 }; div_ sub { a_ href => "$uid/edit", 'My Profile'; txt_ '⭐' if auth->pref('nodistract_can') && !auth->pref('nodistract_nofancy'); br_; a_ href => "$uid/ulist?vnlist=1", 'My Visual Novel List'; br_; a_ href => "$uid/ulist?votes=1",'My Votes'; br_; a_ href => "$uid/ulist?wishlist=1", 'My Wishlist'; br_; a_ href => "$uid/notifies", $o->{unread_noti} ? (class => 'notifyget') : (), 'My Notifications'.($o->{unread_noti}?" ($o->{unread_noti})":''); br_; a_ href => "$uid/hist", 'My Recent Changes'; br_; a_ href => '/g/links?u='.auth->uid, 'My Tags'; br_; br_; if(VNWeb::Images::Vote::can_vote()) { a_ href => '/img/vote', 'Image Flagging'; br_; } if(can_edit v => {}) { a_ href => '/v/add', 'Add Visual Novel'; br_; a_ href => '/p/add', 'Add Producer'; br_; a_ href => '/s/new', 'Add Staff'; br_; } if(auth->isMod) { my $stats = tuwf->dbRowi("SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM reports WHERE status = 'new') as new, (SELECT count(*) FROM reports WHERE status = 'new' AND date > (SELECT last_reports FROM users_prefs WHERE id =", \auth->uid, ")) AS unseen, (SELECT count(*) FROM reports WHERE lastmod > (SELECT last_reports FROM users_prefs WHERE id =", \auth->uid, ")) AS upd "); a_ $stats->{unseen} ? (class => 'standout') : (), href => '/report/list?status=new', sprintf 'Reports %d/%d', $stats->{unseen}, $stats->{new}; small_ ' | '; a_ href => '/report/list?s=lastmod', sprintf '%d upd', $stats->{upd}; br_; a_ global_settings->{lockdown_edit} || global_settings->{lockdown_board} || global_settings->{lockdown_registration} ? (class => 'standout') : (), href => '/lockdown', 'Lockdown'; br_; } br_; form_ action => "$uid/logout", method => 'post', sub { input_ type => 'hidden', class => 'hidden', name => 'csrf', value => auth->csrftoken; input_ type => 'submit', class => 'logout', value => 'Logout'; }; } } if auth; article_ sub { h2_ 'User menu'; div_ sub { my $ref = uri_escape(tuwf->reqGet('ref') || tuwf->reqPath().tuwf->reqQuery()); a_ href => "/u/login?ref=$ref", 'Login'; br_; a_ href => '/u/register', 'Register'; br_; } } if !auth && !config->{read_only}; article_ sub { h2_ 'Database Statistics'; div_ sub { dl_ sub { my %stats = map +($_->{section}, $_->{count}), tuwf->dbAll('SELECT * FROM stats_cache')->@*; dt_ 'Visual Novels'; dd_ $stats{vn}; dt_ sub { small_ '> '; lit_ 'Tags' }; dd_ $stats{tags}; dt_ 'Releases'; dd_ $stats{releases}; dt_ 'Producers'; dd_ $stats{producers}; dt_ 'Staff'; dd_ $stats{staff}; dt_ 'Characters'; dd_ $stats{chars}; dt_ sub { small_ '> '; lit_ 'Traits' }; dd_ $stats{traits}; }; clearfloat_; } }; } sub _footer_ { my($o) = @_; my $q = tuwf->dbRow('SELECT vid, quote FROM quotes WHERE rand <= (SELECT random()) ORDER BY rand DESC LIMIT 1'); span_ sub { lit_ '"'; a_ href => "/$q->{vid}", $q->{quote}; txt_ '" '; br_; } if $q && $q->{vid}; a_ href => config->{source_url}, config->{version}; txt_ ' | '; a_ href => '/d17', 'privacy & content policy'; txt_ ' | '; a_ href => '/d7', 'about us'; lit_ ' | '; a_ href => '/.env', 'security'; lit_ ' | '; a_ href => '/ads.txt', 'advertising'; lit_ ' | '; a_ href => sprintf('mailto:%s', config->{admin_email}), config->{admin_email}; if(tuwf->debug) { lit_ ' | '; debug_ tuwf->req->{pagevars}; br_; tuwf->dbCommit; # Hack to measure the commit time my(@sql_r, @sql_i) = (); for (tuwf->{_TUWF}{DB}{queries}->@*) { my($sql, $params, $time) = @$_; my @params = sort { $a =~ /^[0-9]+$/ && $b =~ /^[0-9]+$/ ? $a <=> $b : $a cmp $b } keys %$params; my $prefix = sprintf " [%6.2fms] ", $time*1000; push @sql_r, sprintf "%s%s | %s", $prefix, $sql, join ', ', map "$_:".DBI::neat($params->{$_}), @params; my $i=1; push @sql_i, $prefix.($sql =~ s/\?/tuwf->dbh->quote($params->{$i++})/egr); } my $sql_r = join "\n", @sql_r; my $sql_i = join "\n", @sql_i; my $modules = join "\n", sort keys %INC; details_ sub { summary_ 'debug info'; pre_ style => 'text-align: left; color: black; background: white', "SQL (with placeholders):\n$sql_r\n\nSQL (interpolated, possibly buggy):\n$sql_i\n\nMODULES:\n$modules"; }; } } sub _maintabs_subscribe_ { my($o, $id) = @_; return if !auth || $id !~ /^[twvrpcsdig]/; my $noti = $id =~ /^t/ ? tuwf->dbVali('SELECT SUM(x) FROM ( SELECT 1 FROM threads_posts tp, users u WHERE =', \auth->uid, 'AND tp.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND tp.tid =', \$id, ' AND u.notify_post UNION SELECT 1+1 FROM threads_boards tb WHERE tb.tid =', \$id, 'AND tb.type = \'u\' AND tb.iid =', \auth->uid, ' ) x(x)') : $id =~ /^w/ ? (auth->pref('notify_post') || auth->pref('notify_comment')) && tuwf->dbVali('SELECT SUM(x) FROM ( SELECT 1 FROM reviews_posts wp, users u WHERE =', \auth->uid, 'AND wp.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND =', \$id, 'AND u.notify_post UNION SELECT 1+1 FROM reviews w, users u WHERE =', \auth->uid, 'AND w.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND =', \$id, 'AND u.notify_comment ) x(x)') : $id =~ /^[vrpcsdgi]/ && auth->pref('notify_dbedit') && tuwf->dbVali(' SELECT 1 FROM changes WHERE itemid =', \$id, 'AND requester =', \auth->uid); my $sub = tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT subnum, subreview, subapply FROM notification_subs WHERE uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND iid =', \$id); li_ widget(Subscribe => $VNWeb::User::Notifications::SUB, { id => $id, noti => $noti||0, subnum => $sub->{subnum}, subreview => $sub->{subreview}||0, subapply => $sub->{subapply}||0, }), class => 'maintabs-dd subscribe', sub { a_ href => '#', class => ($noti && (!defined $sub->{subnum} || $sub->{subnum})) || $sub->{subnum} || $sub->{subreview} || $sub->{subapply} ? 'active' : 'inactive', '🔔'; }; } sub _maintabs_ { my $opt = shift; my($o, $sel) = @{$opt}{qw/dbobj tab/}; my $id = $o ? $o->{id} : ''; my($t) = $o ? $id =~ /^(.)/ : ''; my sub t { my($tabname, $url, $text) = @_; li_ mkclass(tabselected => $tabname eq ($sel||'')), sub { a_ href => $url, $text; }; }; nav_ sub { label_ for => 'mainmenu', sub { lit_ 'Menu'; b_ " ($opt->{unread_noti})" if $opt->{unread_noti}; }; menu_ sub { t '' => "/$id", $id if $o && $t ne 't'; t rg => "/$id/rg", 'relations' if $t =~ /[vp]/ && tuwf->dbVali('SELECT 1 FROM', $t eq 'v' ? 'vn_relations' : 'producers_relations', 'WHERE id =', \$o->{id}, 'LIMIT 1'); t releases => "/$id/releases", 'releases' if $t eq 'v'; t edit => "/$id/edit", 'edit' if $o && $t ne 't' && can_edit $t, $o; t copy => "/$id/copy", 'copy' if $t =~ /[rc]/ && can_edit $t, $o; t tagmod => "/$id/tagmod", 'modify tags' if $t eq 'v' && auth->permTag && !$o->{entry_hidden}; do { t admin => "/$id/admin", 'admin' if auth->isMod; t list => "/$id/ulist?vnlist=1", 'list'; t votes => "/$id/ulist?votes=1", 'votes'; t wish => "/$id/ulist?wishlist=1", 'wishlist'; t reviews => "/w?u=$o->{id}", 'reviews'; t posts => "/$id/posts", 'posts'; } if $t eq 'u'; if($t =~ /[uvp]/) { my $cnt = tuwf->dbVali(q{ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM threads_boards tb JOIN threads t ON = tb.tid WHERE tb.type =}, \$t, 'AND tb.iid =', \$o->{id}, ' AND', VNWeb::Discussions::Lib::sql_visible_threads()); t disc => "/t/$id", "discussions ($cnt)"; }; t hist => "/$id/hist", 'history' if $t =~ /[uvrpcsdgi]/; _maintabs_subscribe_ $o, $id; } } } # Attempt to figure out the board id from a database entry sub _board_id { my($obj) = @_; $obj->{id} =~ /^[vp]/ ? $obj->{id} : $obj->{id} =~ /^r/ && $obj->{vn} && $obj->{vn}->@* ? $obj->{vn}[0]{vid} : $obj->{id} =~ /^c/ && $obj->{vns} && $obj->{vns}->@* ? $obj->{vns}[0]{vid} : 'db'; } # Returns 1 if the page contents should be hidden. sub _hidden_msg_ { my $o = shift; die "Can't use hiddenmsg on an object that is missing 'entry_hidden' or 'entry_locked'" if !exists $o->{dbobj}{entry_hidden} || !exists $o->{dbobj}{entry_locked}; return 0 if !$o->{dbobj}{entry_hidden}; # Awaiting moderation if(!$o->{dbobj}{entry_locked}) { article_ sub { h1_ $o->{title}; div_ class => 'notice', sub { h2_ 'Waiting for approval'; p_ 'This entry is waiting for a moderator to approve it.'; } }; return 0; } # Deleted. my $msg = tuwf->dbRowi( 'SELECT comments, rev FROM changes WHERE itemid =', \$o->{dbobj}{id}, 'ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1' ); article_ sub { h1_ $o->{title}; div_ class => 'warning', sub { h2_ 'Item deleted'; p_ sub { if($o->{dbobj}{id} =~ /^r/ && $o->{dbobj}{vn}) { txt_ 'This was a release entry for '; join_ ',', sub { a_ href => "/$_->{vid}", tattr $_ }, $o->{dbobj}{vn}->@*; txt_ '.'; br_; } txt_ 'This item has been deleted from the database. You may file a request on the '; a_ href => '/t/'._board_id($o->{dbobj}), "discussion board"; txt_ ' if you believe that this entry should be restored.'; if($msg->{rev} > 1) { br_; br_; lit_ bb_format $msg->{comments}; } } } }; $o->{dbobj}{id} !~ /^[gi]/ && !auth->permDbmod # tags/traits are still visible, dbmods can still see all pages } # Options: # title => $title # index => 1/0, default 0 # feeds => 1/0 # js => 1/0, set to 1 to ensure 'basic.js' is included on the page even if no elm_() modules or JS widgets are loaded. # search => $query # og => { opengraph metadata } # dbobj => Database entry object (used for the main tabs & hidden message) # Recognized object fields: id, entry_hidden, entry_locked # tab => Current tab, or empty for the main tab # hiddenmsg => 1/0, if true and dbobj is 'hidden', a message will be displayed # and the content function may not be called. # sub { content } sub framework_ { my $cont = pop; my %o = @_; tuwf->req->{pagevars} = { tuwf->req->{pagevars} ? tuwf->req->{pagevars}->%* : (), $o{pagevars}->%* } if $o{pagevars}; $o{unread_noti} = auth && tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM notifications WHERE uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND read IS NULL'); lit_ "\n"; html_ lang => 'en', sub { head_ sub { _head_ \%o }; body_ sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', class => 'hidden', id => 'mainmenu', name => 'mainmenu'; header_ sub { div_ id => 'bgright', ' '; div_ id => 'readonlymode', config->{read_only} eq 1 ? 'The site is in read-only mode, account functionality is currently disabled.' : config->{read_only} if config->{read_only}; h1_ sub { a_ href => '/', 'the visual novel database' }; _maintabs_ \%o; }; nav_ sub { _menu_ \%o }; main_ sub { $cont->() unless $o{hiddenmsg} && _hidden_msg_ \%o; footer_ sub { _footer_ \%o }; }; # 'basic' bundle is always included if there's any JS at all tuwf->req->{js}{basic} = 1 if tuwf->req->{js}{elm} || tuwf->req->{pagevars}{widget} || $o{js}; # 'dbmod' value is used by various widgets tuwf->req->{pagevars}{dbmod} = 1 if tuwf->req->{pagevars}{widget} && auth->permDbmod; script_ type => 'application/json', id => 'pagevars', sub { # Escaping rules for a JSON