package VNWeb::User::Lists; use VNWeb::Prelude; my $LABELS = form_compile any => { uid => { id => 1 }, labels => { aoh => { id => { int => 1 }, label => { maxlength => 50 }, private => { anybool => 1 }, count => { uint => 1 }, delete => { required => 0, default => undef, uint => 1, range => [1, 3] }, # 1=keep vns, 2=delete when no other label, 3=delete all } } }; elm_form 'UListManageLabels', undef, $LABELS; json_api qr{/u/ulist/labels.json}, $LABELS, sub { my($uid, $labels) = ($_[0]{uid}, $_[0]{labels}); return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $uid; # Insert new labels my @new = grep $_->{id} < 0 && !$_->{delete}, @$labels; # Subquery to get the lowest unused id my $newid = sql '( SELECT min(x.n) FROM generate_series(10, greatest((SELECT max(id)+1 from ulist_labels ul WHERE ul.uid =', \$uid, '), 10) ) x(n) WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ulist_labels ul WHERE ul.uid =', \$uid, 'AND = x.n) )'; tuwf->dbExeci( 'INSERT INTO ulist_labels (id, uid, label, private) VALUES (', sql_comma($newid, \$uid, \$_->{label}, \$_->{private}), ')' ) for @new; # Update private flag tuwf->dbExeci( 'UPDATE ulist_labels SET private =', \$_->{private}, 'WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND id =', \$_->{id}, 'AND private <>', \$_->{private} ) for grep $_->{id} > 0 && !$_->{delete}, @$labels; # Update label tuwf->dbExeci( 'UPDATE ulist_labels SET label =', \$_->{label}, 'WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND id =', \$_->{id}, 'AND label <>', \$_->{label} ) for grep $_->{id} >= 10 && !$_->{delete}, @$labels; # Delete labels my @delete = grep $_->{id} >= 10 && $_->{delete}, @$labels; my @delete_lblonly = map $_->{id}, grep $_->{delete} == 1, @delete; my @delete_empty = map $_->{id}, grep $_->{delete} == 2, @delete; my @delete_all = map $_->{id}, grep $_->{delete} == 3, @delete; # delete vns with: (a label in option 3) OR ((a label in option 2) AND (no labels other than in option 1 or 2)) my @where = @delete_all ? sql('vid IN(SELECT vid FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND lbl IN', \@delete_all, ')') : (), @delete_empty ? sql( 'vid IN(SELECT vid FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND lbl IN', \@delete_empty, ')', 'AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND lbl NOT IN(', [ @delete_lblonly, @delete_empty ], '))' ) : (); tuwf->dbExeci('DELETE FROM ulist_vns WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND (', sql_or(@where), ')') if @where; # (This will also delete all relevant vn<->label rows from ulist_vns_labels) tuwf->dbExeci('DELETE FROM ulist_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND id IN', [ map $_->{id}, @delete ]) if @delete; elm_Success }; my $VNVOTE = form_compile any => { uid => { id => 1 }, vid => { id => 1 }, vote => { vnvote => 1 }, }; elm_form 'UListVoteEdit', undef, $VNVOTE; json_api qr{/u/ulist/setvote.json}, $VNVOTE, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $data->{uid}; tuwf->dbExeci( 'UPDATE ulist_vns SET vote =', \$data->{vote}, ', vote_date = CASE WHEN', \$data->{vote}, '::smallint IS NULL THEN NULL WHEN vote IS NULL THEN NOW() ELSE vote_date END', ', lastmod = NOW() WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND vid =', \$data->{vid} ); elm_Success }; my $VNLABELS = { uid => { id => 1 }, vid => { id => 1 }, label => { _when => 'in', id => 1 }, applied => { _when => 'in', anybool => 1 }, labels => { _when => 'out', aoh => { id => { int => 1 }, label => {}, private => { anybool => 1 } } }, selected => { _when => 'out', type => 'array', values => { id => 1 } }, }; my $VNLABELS_OUT = form_compile out => $VNLABELS; my $VNLABELS_IN = form_compile in => $VNLABELS; elm_form 'UListLabelEdit', $VNLABELS_OUT, $VNLABELS_IN; json_api qr{/u/ulist/setlabel.json}, $VNLABELS_IN, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $data->{uid}; die "Attempt to set vote label" if $data->{label} == 7; tuwf->dbExeci( 'DELETE FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND vid =', \$data->{vid}, 'AND lbl =', \$data->{label} ) if !$data->{applied}; tuwf->dbExeci( 'INSERT INTO ulist_vns_labels (uid, vid, lbl) VALUES (', sql_comma(\$data->{uid}, \$data->{vid}, \$data->{label}), ') ON CONFLICT (uid, vid, lbl) DO NOTHING' ) if $data->{applied}; tuwf->dbExeci('UPDATE ulist_vns SET lastmod = NOW() WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND vid =', \$data->{vid}); elm_Success }; my $VNDATE = form_compile any => { uid => { id => 1 }, vid => { id => 1 }, date => { required => 0, default => '', regex => qr/^(?:19[7-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9])-(?:0[1-9]|1[0-2])-(?:0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/ }, # 1970 - 2099 for sanity start => { anybool => 1 }, # Field selection, started/finished }; elm_form 'UListDateEdit', undef, $VNDATE; json_api qr{/u/ulist/setdate.json}, $VNDATE, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $data->{uid}; tuwf->dbExeci( 'UPDATE ulist_vns SET lastmod = NOW(), ', $data->{start} ? 'started' : 'finished', '=', \($data->{date}||undef), 'WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND vid =', \$data->{vid} ); elm_Success }; my $VNOPT = form_compile any => { own => { anybool => 1 }, uid => { id => 1 }, vid => { id => 1 }, notes => {}, rels => { aoh => { # Same structure as 'elm_Releases' response id => { id => 1 }, title => {}, original => {}, released => { uint => 1 }, rtype => {}, lang => { type => 'array', values => {} }, } }, relstatus => { type => 'array', values => { uint => 1 } }, # List of release statuses, same order as rels }; elm_form 'UListVNOpt', $VNOPT, undef; my $VNNOTES = form_compile any => { uid => { id => 1 }, vid => { id => 1 }, notes => { required => 0, default => '', maxlength => 2000 }, }; elm_form 'UListVNNotes', undef, $VNNOTES; json_api qr{/u/ulist/setnote.json}, $VNNOTES, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $data->{uid}; tuwf->dbExeci( 'UPDATE ulist_vns SET lastmod = NOW(), notes = ', \$data->{notes}, 'WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND vid =', \$data->{vid} ); elm_Success }; my $VNDEL = form_compile any => { uid => { id => 1 }, vid => { id => 1 }, }; elm_form 'UListDel', undef, $VNDEL; json_api qr{/u/ulist/del.json}, $VNDEL, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $data->{uid}; tuwf->dbExeci('DELETE FROM ulist_vns WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND vid =', \$data->{vid}); elm_Success }; my $RSTATUS = form_compile any => { uid => { id => 1 }, rid => { id => 1 }, status => { int => 1, enum => [ -1, keys %RLIST_STATUS ] }, # -1 meaning delete }; elm_form 'UListRStatus', undef, $RSTATUS; # Adds the release when not in the list. json_api qr{/u/ulist/rstatus.json}, $RSTATUS, sub { my($data) = @_; return elm_Unauth if !auth || auth->uid != $data->{uid}; if($data->{status} == -1) { tuwf->dbExeci('DELETE FROM rlists WHERE uid =', \$data->{uid}, 'AND rid =', \$data->{rid}) } else { tuwf->dbExeci('INSERT INTO rlists', $data, 'ON CONFLICT (uid, rid) DO UPDATE SET status =', \$data->{status}) } elm_Success }; sub filters_ { my($uid, $own, $labels) = @_; my @filtlabels = ( @$labels, $own ? { id => -1, label => 'No label', count => tuwf->dbVali( 'SELECT count(*) FROM ulist_vns uv WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ulist_vns_labels uvl WHERE uvl.uid = uv.uid AND uvl.vid = uv.vid AND uvl.lbl <>', \7, ') AND uid =', \$uid ) } : (), ); my $opt = eval { tuwf->validate(get => p => { upage => 1 }, l => { type => 'array', scalar => 1, required => 0, default => [], values => { int => 1 } }, s => { required => 0, default => 'title', enum => [qw[ title label vote voted added modified started finished rel rating ]] }, o => { required => 0, default => 'a', enum => ['a', 'd'] }, c => { type => 'array', scalar => 1, required => 0, default => [], values => { enum => [qw[ vote voted added modified started finished rel rating ]] } }, q => { required => 0 }, )->data } || { p => 1, l => [], s => 'title', o => 'a', c => [] }; # $labels only includes labels we are allowed to see, getting rid of any labels in 'l' that aren't in $labels ensures we only filter on visible labels my %accessible_labels = map +($_->{id}, 1), @filtlabels; my %opt_l = map +($_, 1), grep $accessible_labels{$_}, $opt->{l}->@*; %opt_l = %accessible_labels if !keys %opt_l; $opt->{l} = keys %opt_l == keys %accessible_labels ? [] : [ sort keys %opt_l ]; my sub lblfilt_ { input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 'l', value => $_->{id}, id => "form_l$_->{id}", tabindex => 10, $opt_l{$_->{id}} ? (checked => 'checked') : (); label_ for => "form_l$_->{id}", "$_->{label} "; txt_ " ($_->{count})"; } form_ method => 'get', sub { input_ type => 'hidden', name => 's', value => $opt->{s}; input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'o', value => $opt->{o}; input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'c', value => $_ for $opt->{c}->@*; p_ class => 'labelfilters', sub { input_ type => 'text', class => 'text', name => 'q', value => $opt->{q}||'', style => 'width: 500px', placeholder => 'Search', tabindex => 10; br_; span_ class => 'linkradio', sub { join_ sub { em_ ' / ' }, \&lblfilt_, grep $_->{id} < 10, @filtlabels; em_ ' | '; input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 'l', class => 'checkall', value => 0, id => 'form_l_all', tabindex => 10, $opt->{l}->@* == 0 ? (checked => 'checked') : (); label_ for => 'form_l_all', 'Select all'; debug_ $labels; }; my @cust = grep $_->{id} >= 10, @$labels; if(@cust) { br_; span_ class => 'linkradio', sub { join_ sub { em_ ' / ' }, \&lblfilt_, @cust; } } br_; input_ type => 'submit', class => 'submit', tabindex => 10, value => 'Update filters'; input_ type => 'button', class => 'submit', tabindex => 10, id => 'managelabels', value => 'Manage labels' if $own; }; }; $opt; } sub vn_ { my($uid, $own, $opt, $n, $v, $labels) = @_; tr_ mkclass(odd => $n % 2 == 0), id => "ulist_tr_$v->{id}", sub { my %labels = map +($_,1), $v->{labels}->@*; td_ class => 'tc1', sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkhidden', name => 'collapse_vid', id => 'collapse_vid'.$v->{id}, value => 'collapsed_vid'.$v->{id}; label_ for => 'collapse_vid'.$v->{id}, sub { my $obtained = grep $_->{status} == 2, $v->{rels}->@*; my $total = $v->{rels}->@*; b_ id => 'ulist_relsum_'.$v->{id}, mkclass(done => $total && $obtained == $total, todo => $obtained < $total, neutral => 1), sprintf '%d/%d', $obtained, $total; if($own) { my $public = List::Util::any { $labels{$_->{id}} && !$_->{private} } @$labels; my $publicLabel = List::Util::any { $_->{id} != 7 && $labels{$_->{id}} && !$_->{private} } @$labels; span_ mkclass(invisible => !$public), id => 'ulist_public_'.$v->{id}, 'data-publabel' => !!$publicLabel, 'data-voted' => !!$labels{7}, title => 'This item is public', ' 👁'; } }; }; td_ class => 'tc_title', sub { a_ href => "/v$v->{id}", title => $v->{original}||$v->{title}, shorten $v->{title}, 70; b_ class => 'grayedout', id => 'ulist_notes_'.$v->{id}, $v->{notes} if $v->{notes} || $own; }; td_ class => 'tc_labels', sub { my @l = grep $labels{$_->{id}} && $_->{id} != 7, @$labels; my $txt = @l ? join ', ', map $_->{label}, @l : '-'; if($own) { elm_ 'UList.LabelEdit' => $VNLABELS_OUT, { vid => $v->{id}, selected => [ grep $_ != 7, $v->{labels}->@* ] }, $txt; } else { txt_ $txt; } }; td_ mkclass(tc_vote => 1, compact => $own, stealth => $own), sub { txt_ fmtvote $v->{vote} if !$own; elm_ 'UList.VoteEdit' => $VNVOTE, { uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, vote => fmtvote($v->{vote}) }, fmtvote $v->{vote} if $own; } if in vote => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_voted', $v->{vote_date} ? fmtdate $v->{vote_date}, 'compact' : '-' if in voted => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_added', fmtdate $v->{added}, 'compact' if in added => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_modified', fmtdate $v->{lastmod}, 'compact' if in modified => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_started', sub { txt_ $v->{started}||'' if !$own; elm_ 'UList.DateEdit' => $VNDATE, { uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, date => $v->{started}||'', start => 1 }, $v->{started}||'' if $own; } if in started => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_finished', sub { txt_ $v->{finished}||'' if !$own; elm_ 'UList.DateEdit' => $VNDATE, { uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, date => $v->{finished}||'', start => 0 }, $v->{finished}||'' if $own; } if in finished => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_rel', sub { rdate_ $v->{c_released} } if in rel => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_rating', sub { txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($v->{c_rating}||0)/10; b_ class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $v->{c_votecount}; } if in rating => $opt->{c}; }; tr_ mkclass(hidden => 1, 'collapsed_vid'.$v->{id} => 1, odd => $n % 2 == 0), sub { td_ colspan => 7, class => 'tc_opt', sub { my $relstatus = [ map $_->{status}, $v->{rels}->@* ]; elm_ 'UList.Opt' => $VNOPT, { own => $own, uid => $uid, vid => $v->{id}, notes => $v->{notes}, rels => $v->{rels}, relstatus => $relstatus }; }; }; } sub listing_ { my($uid, $own, $opt, $labels) = @_; my @l = grep $_ > 0, $opt->{l}->@*; my($unlabeled) = grep $_ == -1, $opt->{l}->@*; my @where_vns = ( @l ? sql('uv.vid IN(SELECT vid FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND lbl IN', \@l, ')') : !$own ? sql('uv.vid IN(SELECT vid FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND lbl IN(SELECT id FROM ulist_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND NOT private))') : (), $unlabeled ? sql('NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND vid = uv.vid AND lbl <> ', \7, ')') : () ); my $where = sql_and sql('uv.uid =', \$uid), @where_vns ? sql_or(@where_vns) : (), $opt->{q} ? map sql('v.c_search like', \"%$_%"), normalize_query $opt->{q} : (); my $count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM ulist_vns uv JOIN vn v ON = uv.vid WHERE', $where); my $lst = tuwf->dbPagei({ page => $opt->{p}, results => 50 }, 'SELECT, v.title, v.original,, uv.notes, uv.started, uv.finished, v.c_rating, v.c_votecount, v.c_released ,', sql_totime('uv.added'), ' as added ,', sql_totime('uv.lastmod'), ' as lastmod ,', sql_totime('uv.vote_date'), ' as vote_date FROM ulist_vns uv JOIN vn v ON = uv.vid WHERE', $where, ' ORDER BY', { title => 'v.title', label => sql('ARRAY(SELECT ul.label FROM ulist_vns_labels uvl JOIN ulist_labels ul ON ul.uid = uvl.uid AND = uvl.lbl WHERE uvl.uid = uv.uid AND uvl.vid = uv.vid AND uvl.lbl <> ', \7, ')'), vote => '', voted => 'uv.vote_date', added => 'uv.added', modified => 'uv.lastmod', started => 'uv.started', finished => 'uv.finished', rel => 'v.c_released', rating => 'v.c_rating', }->{$opt->{s}}, $opt->{o} eq 'd' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC', 'NULLS LAST, v.title' ); enrich_flatten labels => id => vid => sql('SELECT vid, lbl FROM ulist_vns_labels WHERE uid =', \$uid, 'AND vid IN'), $lst; enrich rels => id => vid => sub { sql ' SELECT rv.vid,, r.title, r.original, r.released, r.type as rtype, rl.status FROM rlists rl JOIN releases r ON rl.rid = JOIN releases_vn rv ON = WHERE rl.uid =', \$uid, ' AND rv.vid IN', $_, ' ORDER BY r.released ASC' }, $lst; enrich_flatten lang => id => id => sub { sql('SELECT id, lang FROM releases_lang WHERE id IN', $_, 'ORDER BY lang') }, map $_->{rels}, @$lst; my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$opt, @_ } # TODO: Thumbnail view? paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 't', sub { elm_ ColSelect => undef, [ [ vote => 'Vote' ], [ voted => 'Vote date' ], [ added => 'Added' ], [ modified => 'Modified' ], [ started => 'Start date' ], [ finished => 'Finish date' ], [ rel => 'Release date' ], [ rating => 'Rating' ], ]; }; div_ class => 'mainbox browse ulist', sub { table_ sub { thead_ sub { tr_ sub { td_ class => 'tc1', sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkall', name => 'collapse_vid', id => 'collapse_vid'; label_ for => 'collapse_vid', sub { txt_ 'Opt' }; }; td_ class => 'tc_title', sub { txt_ 'Title'; sortable_ 'title', $opt, \&url; debug_ $lst }; td_ class => 'tc_labels', sub { txt_ 'Labels'; sortable_ 'label', $opt, \&url }; td_ class => 'tc_vote', sub { txt_ 'Vote'; sortable_ 'vote', $opt, \&url } if in vote => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_voted', sub { txt_ 'Vote date'; sortable_ 'voted', $opt, \&url } if in voted => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_added', sub { txt_ 'Added'; sortable_ 'added', $opt, \&url } if in added => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_modified', sub { txt_ 'Modified'; sortable_ 'modified', $opt, \&url } if in modified => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_started', sub { txt_ 'Start date'; sortable_ 'started', $opt, \&url } if in started => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_finished', sub { txt_ 'Finish date'; sortable_ 'finished', $opt, \&url } if in finished => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_rel', sub { txt_ 'Release date';sortable_ 'rel', $opt, \&url } if in rel => $opt->{c}; td_ class => 'tc_rating', sub { txt_ 'Rating'; sortable_ 'rating', $opt, \&url } if in rating => $opt->{c}; }}; vn_ $uid, $own, $opt, $_, $lst->[$_], $labels for (0..$#$lst); }; }; paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [ $count, 50 ], 'b'; } # TODO: Ability to add VNs from this page TUWF::get qr{/$RE{uid}/ulist}, sub { my $u = tuwf->dbRowi('SELECT id,', sql_user(), 'FROM users u WHERE id =', \tuwf->capture('id')); return tuwf->resNotFound if !$u->{id}; my $own = auth && $u->{id} == auth->uid; return tuwf->resNotFound if !$own; # TEMPORARY while in beta. my $labels = tuwf->dbAlli( 'SELECT, l.label, l.private, count(vl.vid) as count, null as delete FROM ulist_labels l LEFT JOIN ulist_vns_labels vl ON vl.uid = l.uid AND vl.lbl = WHERE', { 'l.uid' => $u->{id}, $own ? () : ('l.private' => 0) }, 'GROUP BY, l.label, l.private ORDER BY CASE WHEN < 10 THEN ELSE 10 END, l.label' ); my $title = $own ? 'My list' : user_displayname($u)."'s list"; framework_ title => $title, type => 'u', dbobj => $u, tab => 'list', $own ? ( pagevars => { uid => $u->{id}*1, labels => $LABELS->analyze->{keys}{labels}->coerce_for_json($labels), voteprivate => (map \($_->{private}?1:0), grep $_->{id} == 7, @$labels), } ) : (), sub { div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { p_ class => 'center', sub { b_ class => 'standout', style => 'font-size: 30px', '!BETA BETA BETA BETA!'; }; div_ class => 'warning', sub { p_ 'This is a prototype for the new lists feature. It should eventually replace your visual novel list, votes and wishlist. Feel free to play around, but keep the following in mind:'; ul_ sub { li_ "Changes made on this page will be lost when the feature goes live, and possibly a few times before that as well. The old visual novel list, votes and wishlist are still your primary lists."; li_ "Exception to the above rule: The releases are synchronized with your visual novel list, so adding/removing/changing release status here will also affect your regular visual novel list and the other way around."; li_ "You can not share your list or browse other people's list while this is in beta."; li_ sub { txt_ "More info and feedback go to "; a_ href => '/t13136', 't13136' }; }; }; p_ class => 'center', sub { b_ class => 'standout', style => 'font-size: 30px', '!BETA BETA BETA BETA!'; }; p_ class => 'center', sub { txt_ 'Menu links: '; a_ href => '?l=1&l=2&l=3&l=4&l=7&l=-1&l=0&c=vote&c=added&c=started&c=finished', 'My Visual Novel list'; txt_ ' - '; a_ href => '?l=7&c=vote&c=voted&s=voted&o=d', 'My Votes'; txt_ ' - '; a_ href => '?l=5&c=added', 'My Wishlist'; }; }; my $empty = !grep $_->{count}, @$labels; my $opt; div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { h1_ $title; if($empty) { p_ $own ? 'Your list is empty! You can add visual novels to your list from the visual novel pages.' : user_displayname($u).' does not have any visible visual novels in their list.'; } else { $opt = filters_ $u->{id}, $own, $labels; elm_ 'UList.ManageLabels' if $own; } }; listing_ $u->{id}, $own, $opt, $labels if !$empty; }; }; 1;