package VNWeb::User::Notifications; use VNWeb::Prelude; my %ntypes = ( pm => 'Private Message', dbdel => 'Entry you contributed to has been deleted', listdel => 'VN in your (wish)list has been deleted', dbedit => 'Entry you contributed to has been edited', announce => 'Site announcement', ); sub settings_ { my $id = shift; h1_ 'Settings'; form_ action => "/u$id/notify_options", method => 'POST', sub { input_ type => 'hidden', class => 'hidden', name => 'csrf', value => auth->csrftoken; p_ sub { label_ sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 'dbedit', auth->pref('notify_dbedit') ? (checked => 'checked') : (); txt_ ' Notify me about edits of database entries I contributed to.'; }; br_; label_ sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 'announce', auth->pref('notify_announce') ? (checked => 'checked') : (); txt_ ' Notify me about site announcements.'; }; br_; input_ type => 'submit', class => 'submit', value => 'Save'; } }; } sub listing_ { my($id, $opt, $count, $list) = @_; my sub url { "/u$id/notifies?r=$opt->{r}&p=$_" } my sub tbl_ { thead_ sub { tr_ sub { td_ ''; td_ 'Type'; td_ 'Age'; td_ 'ID'; td_ 'Action'; }}; tfoot_ sub { tr_ sub { td_ colspan => 5, sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', class => 'checkall', name => 'notifysel', value => 0; txt_ ' '; input_ type => 'submit', class => 'submit', name => 'markread', value => 'mark selected read'; input_ type => 'submit', class => 'submit', name => 'remove', value => 'remove selected'; b_ class => 'grayedout', ' (Read notifications are automatically removed after one month)'; } }}; tr_ $_->{read} ? () : (class => 'unread'), sub { my $l = $_; my $lid = $l->{ltype}.$l->{iid}.($l->{subid}?'.'.$l->{subid}:''); my $url = "/u$id/notify/$l->{id}/$lid"; td_ class => 'tc1', sub { input_ type => 'checkbox', name => 'notifysel', value => $l->{id}; }; td_ class => 'tc2', $ntypes{$l->{ntype}}; td_ class => 'tc3', fmtage $l->{date}; td_ class => 'tc4', sub { a_ href => $url, $lid }; td_ class => 'tc5', sub { a_ href => $url, sub { txt_ $l->{ltype} eq 't' ? 'Edit of ' : $l->{subid} == 1 ? 'New thread ' : 'Reply to '; i_ $l->{c_title}; txt_ ' by '; i_ user_displayname $l; }; }; } for @$list; } form_ action => "/u$id/notify_update", method => 'POST', sub { input_ type => 'hidden', class => 'hidden', name => 'url', value => do { local $_ = $opt->{p}; url }; paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 25], 't'; div_ class => 'mainbox browse notifies', sub { table_ class => 'stripe', \&tbl_; }; paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 25], 'b'; } if $count; } TUWF::get qr{/$RE{uid}/notifies}, sub { my $id = tuwf->capture('id'); return tuwf->resNotFound if !auth || $id != auth->uid; my $opt = eval { tuwf->validate(get => p => { page => 1 }, r => { anybool => 1 }, )->data } || { p => 1, r => 0 }; my $where = sql_and( sql('uid =', \$id), $opt->{r} ? () : 'read IS NULL' ); my $count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM notifications WHERE', $where); my($list) = tuwf->dbPagei({ results => 25, page => $opt->{p} }, 'SELECT, n.ntype, n.ltype, n.iid, n.subid, n.c_title , ', sql_totime(''), ' as date , ', sql_totime(''), ' as read , ', sql_user(), 'FROM notifications n LEFT JOIN users u ON = n.c_byuser WHERE ', $where, 'ORDER BY', $opt->{r} ? 'DESC' : 'ASC' ); framework_ title => 'My notifications', index => 0, sub { div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { h1_ 'My notifications'; p_ class => 'browseopts', sub { a_ !$opt->{r} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => '?r=0', 'Unread notifications'; a_ $opt->{r} ? (class => 'optselected') : (), href => '?r=1', 'All notifications'; }; p_ 'No notifications!' if !$count; }; listing_ $id, $opt, $count, $list; div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { settings_ $id }; }; }; TUWF::post qr{/$RE{uid}/notify_options}, sub { my $id = tuwf->capture('id'); return tuwf->resNotFound if !auth || $id != auth->uid; my $frm = tuwf->validate(post => csrf => {}, dbedit => { anybool => 1 }, announce => { anybool => 1 }, )->data; return tuwf->resNotFound if !auth->csrfcheck($frm->{csrf}); auth->prefSet(notify_dbedit => $frm->{dbedit}); auth->prefSet(notify_announce => $frm->{announce}); tuwf->resRedirect("/u$id/notifies", 'post'); }; TUWF::post qr{/$RE{uid}/notify_update}, sub { my $id = tuwf->capture('id'); return tuwf->resNotFound if !auth || $id != auth->uid; my $frm = tuwf->validate(post => url => { regex => qr{^/u$id/notifies} }, notifysel => { required => 0, type => 'array', scalar => 1, values => { id => 1 } }, markread => { anybool => 1 }, remove => { anybool => 1 }, )->data; if($frm->{notifysel}->@*) { my $where = sql 'uid =', \$id, ' AND id IN', $frm->{notifysel}; tuwf->dbExeci('DELETE FROM notifications WHERE', $where) if $frm->{remove}; tuwf->dbExeci('UPDATE notifications SET read = NOW() WHERE', $where) if $frm->{markread}; } tuwf->resRedirect($frm->{url}, 'post'); }; TUWF::get qr{/$RE{uid}/notify/$RE{num}/(?[a-z0-9\.]+)}, sub { my $id = tuwf->capture('id'); return tuwf->resNotFound if !auth || $id != auth->uid; tuwf->dbExeci('UPDATE notifications SET read = NOW() WHERE uid =', \$id, ' AND id =', \tuwf->capture('num')); tuwf->resRedirect('/'.tuwf->capture('lid'), 'temp'); }; 1;