package VNWeb::VN::List; use VNWeb::Prelude; use VNWeb::AdvSearch; use VNWeb::Filters; use VNWeb::TT::Lib 'tagscore_'; # Also used by VNWeb::TT::TagPage sub listing_ { my($opt, $list, $count, $tagscore) = @_; my sub url { '?'.query_encode %$opt, @_ } paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 50], 't'; div_ class => 'mainbox browse vnbrowse', sub { table_ class => 'stripe', sub { thead_ sub { tr_ sub { td_ class => 'tc_s',sub { txt_ 'Score'; sortable_ 'tagscore', $opt, \&url } if $tagscore; td_ class => $tagscore ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1', sub { txt_ 'Title'; sortable_ 'title', $opt, \&url }; td_ class => 'tc7', ''; td_ class => 'tc2', ''; td_ class => 'tc3', ''; td_ class => 'tc4', sub { txt_ 'Released'; sortable_ 'rel', $opt, \&url }; td_ class => 'tc5', sub { txt_ 'Popularity'; sortable_ 'pop', $opt, \&url }; td_ class => 'tc6', sub { txt_ 'Rating'; sortable_ 'rating', $opt, \&url }; } }; tr_ sub { td_ class => 'tc_s',sub { tagscore_ $_->{tagscore} } if $tagscore; td_ class => $tagscore ? 'tc_t' : 'tc1', sub { a_ href => "/v$_->{id}", title => $_->{original}||$_->{title}, $_->{title} }; td_ class => 'tc7', sub { b_ class => $_->{userlist_obtained} == $_->{userlist_all} ? 'done' : 'todo', sprintf '%d/%d', $_->{userlist_obtained}, $_->{userlist_all} if $_->{userlist_all}; abbr_ title => join(', ', $_->{vnlist_labels}->@*), scalar $_->{vnlist_labels}->@* if $_->{vnlist_labels} && $_->{vnlist_labels}->@*; abbr_ title => 'No labels', ' ' if $_->{vnlist_labels} && !$_->{vnlist_labels}->@*; }; td_ class => 'tc2', sub { join_ '', sub { abbr_ class => "icons $_", title => $PLATFORM{$_}, '' if $_ ne 'unk' }, sort $_->{platforms}->@* }; td_ class => 'tc3', sub { join_ '', sub { abbr_ class => "icons lang $_", title => $LANGUAGE{$_}, '' }, reverse sort $_->{lang}->@* }; td_ class => 'tc4', sub { rdate_ $_->{c_released} }; td_ class => 'tc5', sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_popularity}||0)*100; td_ class => 'tc6', sub { txt_ sprintf '%.2f', ($_->{c_rating}||0)/10; b_ class => 'grayedout', sprintf ' (%d)', $_->{c_votecount}; }; } for @$list; } }; paginate_ \&url, $opt->{p}, [$count, 50], 'b'; } # Enrich the userlist fields needed for listing_() # Also used by VNWeb::TT::TagPage sub enrich_userlist { return if !auth; enrich_merge id => sub { sql ' SELECT irv.vid AS id , COUNT(*) AS userlist_all , SUM(CASE WHEN irl.status = 1+1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS userlist_obtained FROM rlists irl JOIN releases_vn irv ON = irl.rid WHERE irl.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND irv.vid IN', $_, ' GROUP BY irv.vid ' }, @_; enrich_flatten vnlist_labels => id => vid => sub { sql ' SELECT uvl.vid, ul.label FROM ulist_vns_labels uvl JOIN ulist_labels ul ON ul.uid = uvl.uid AND = uvl.lbl WHERE uvl.uid =', \auth->uid, 'AND uvl.vid IN', $_[0], ' ORDER BY CASE WHEN < 10 THEN ELSE 10 END, ul.label' }, @_; } TUWF::get qr{/experimental/v(?:/(?all|[a-z0]))?}, sub { my $opt = tuwf->validate(get => q => { onerror => undef }, sq=> { onerror => undef }, p => { upage => 1 }, f => { advsearch => 'v' }, s => { onerror => 'title', enum => [qw/title rel pop rating/] }, o => { onerror => 'a', enum => ['a','d'] }, ch=> { onerror => [], type => 'array', scalar => 1, values => { onerror => undef, enum => ['0', 'a'..'z'] } }, fil => { required => 0 }, rfil => { required => 0 }, cfil => { required => 0 }, )->data; $opt->{q} //= $opt->{sq}; $opt->{ch} = $opt->{ch}[0]; # compat with old URLs my $oldch = tuwf->capture('char'); $opt->{ch} //= $oldch if defined $oldch && $oldch ne 'all'; # URL compatibility with old filters if(!$opt->{f}->{query} && ($opt->{fil} || $opt->{rfil} || $opt->{cfil})) { my $q = eval { my $fil = filter_vn_adv filter_parse v => $opt->{fil}; my $rfil = filter_release_adv filter_parse r => $opt->{rfil}; my $cfil = filter_char_adv filter_parse c => $opt->{cfil}; my @q = ( $fil && @$fil > 1 ? $fil : (), $rfil && @$rfil > 1 ? [ 'release', '=', $rfil ] : (), $cfil && @$cfil > 1 ? [ 'character', '=', $cfil ] : (), ); tuwf->compile({ advsearch => 'v' })->validate(@q > 1 ? ['and',@q] : @q)->data; }; if(!$q) { warn "Filter compatibility conversion failed\n$@"; } else { return tuwf->resRedirect(tuwf->reqPath().'?'.query_encode(%$opt, fil => undef, rfil => undef, cfil => undef, f => $q), 'temp'); } } $opt->{f} = advsearch_default 'v' if !$opt->{f}{query} && !defined tuwf->reqGet('f'); my $where = sql_and 'NOT v.hidden', $opt->{f}->sql_where(), $opt->{q} ? map sql('v.c_search LIKE', \"%$_%"), normalize_query $opt->{q} : (), defined($opt->{ch}) && $opt->{ch} ? sql('LOWER(SUBSTR(v.title, 1, 1)) =', \$opt->{ch}) : (), defined($opt->{ch}) && !$opt->{ch} ? sql('(ASCII(v.title) <', \97, 'OR ASCII(v.title) >', \122, ') AND (ASCII(v.title) <', \65, 'OR ASCII(v.title) >', \90, ')') : (); my $time = time; my($count, $list); db_maytimeout { $count = tuwf->dbVali('SELECT count(*) FROM vn v WHERE', $where); $list = $count ? tuwf->dbPagei({results => 50, page => $opt->{p}}, ' SELECT, v.title, v.original, v.c_released, v.c_popularity, v.c_votecount, v.c_rating, v.c_platforms::text[] AS platforms, v.c_languages::text[] AS lang FROM vn v WHERE', $where, ' ORDER BY', sprintf { title => 'v.title %s', rel => 'v.c_released %s, v.title', pop => 'v.c_popularity %s NULLS LAST, v.title', rating => 'v.c_rating %s NULLS LAST, v.title' }->{$opt->{s}}, $opt->{o} eq 'a' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC' ) : []; } || (($count, $list) = (undef, [])); return tuwf->resRedirect("/v$list->[0]{id}") if $count && $count == 1 && $opt->{q} && !defined $opt->{ch}; enrich_userlist $list; $time = time - $time; framework_ title => 'Browse visual novels', sub { div_ class => 'mainbox', sub { h1_ 'Browse visual novels'; div_ class => 'warning', sub { h2_ 'EXPERIMENTAL'; p_ "This is Yorhel's playground. Lots of functionality is missing, lots of stuff is or will be broken. Here be dragons. Etc."; }; br_; form_ action => '/experimental/v', method => 'get', sub { searchbox_ v => $opt->{q}//''; p_ class => 'browseopts', sub { button_ type => 'submit', name => 'ch', value => ($_//''), ($_//'') eq ($opt->{ch}//'') ? (class => 'optselected') : (), !defined $_ ? 'ALL' : $_ ? uc $_ : '#' for (undef, 'a'..'z', 0); }; input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'o', value => $opt->{o}; input_ type => 'hidden', name => 's', value => $opt->{s}; input_ type => 'hidden', name => 'ch', value => $opt->{ch}//''; $opt->{f}->elm_; advsearch_msg_ $count, $time; }; }; listing_ $opt, $list, $count if $count; }; }; 1;