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null : tag('ul', {class:'full'}, tag('li', tag('a', {href:'#', rl_rid: relid, rl_act:'del', onclick:rlMod}, 'Remove from VN List'))) ); } function rlMod() { var lnk = byId('rlsel_'+this.rl_rid); ddHide(); setContent(lnk, tag('b', {class: 'patch'}, 'loading...')); ajax('/xml/rlist.xml?id='+this.rl_rid+';e='+this.rl_act, function(hr) { // TODO: get rid of innerHTML here... lnk.innerHTML = hr.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('rlist')[0].firstChild.nodeValue; }); return false; } { var l = byClass('a', 'vnrlsel'); for(var i=0;i= 0) { if(name != which) o.className = o.className.replace(/tabselected/, ''); } else if(name == which) o.className += ' tabselected'; } if(!nolink) location.href = '#'+which; return false; } /* Tag VN spoilers */ /* lvl = null to not change lvl, lim = null to not change limit */ function tvsSet(lvl, lim) { var l = x('tagops').getElementsByTagName('a'); for(var i=0;i= 0) lvl = i; } else { /* set level */ if(i == lvl && l[i].className.indexOf('tsel') < 0) l[i].className += ' tsel'; else if(i != lvl && l[i].className.indexOf('tsel') >= 0) l[i].className = l[i].className.replace(/tsel/, ''); } } else { if(lim == null) { /* determine limit */ if(l[i].className.indexOf('tsel') >= 0) lim = i == 3; } else { /* set limit */ if((i == 3) == lim && l[i].className.indexOf('tsel') < 0) l[i].className += ' tsel'; else if((i == 3) != lim && l[i].className.indexOf('tsel') >= 0) l[i].className = l[i].className.replace(/tsel/, ''); } } } l = x('vntags').getElementsByTagName('span'); lim = lim ? 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This is a rather extreme rating, " +"meaning this game has absolutely nothing to offer, and that it's the worst game you have ever played.\n" +"Are you really sure this visual novel matches that description?")) return; if(s == 10 && !confirm( "You are about to give this visual novel a 10 out of 10. This is a rather extreme rating, " +"meaning this is one of the best visual novels you've ever played and it's unlikely " +"that any other game could ever be better than this one.\n" +"It is generally a bad idea to have more than three games in your vote list with this rating, choose carefully!")) return; if(s) location.href = location.href.replace(/\.[0-9]+/, '')+'/vote?v='+s; }; // VN Wishlist editing i = x('wishsel'); if(i) i.onchange = function() { if(this.selectedIndex != 0) location.href = location.href.replace(/\.[0-9]+/, '')+'/wish?s='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; }; // Batch Wishlist editing i = x('batchedit'); if(i) i.onchange = function() { var frm = this; while(frm.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'form') frm = frm.parentNode; if(this.selectedIndex != 0) frm.submit(); }; // Release list editing i = x('listsel'); if(i) i.onchange = function() { if(this.selectedIndex != 0) location.href = location.href.replace(/\.[0-9]+/, '')+'/list?e='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; }; // User VN list // (might want to make this a bit more generic, as it's now also used for the user tag list) i = x('relhidall'); if(i) { var l = document.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for(var i=0;i= 0) l[i].style.display = 'none'; var l = document.getElementsByTagName('td'); for(var i=0;i= 0) l[i].onclick = function() { var l = document.getElementsByTagName('tr'); for(var i=0;i= 0) { l[i].style.display = allhid ? 'none' : ''; x(l[i].className.substr(7)).getElementsByTagName('i')[0].innerHTML = allhid ? '▸' : '▾'; } this.getElementsByTagName('i')[0].innerHTML = allhid ? '▸' : '▾'; }; } // Advanced search if(x('advselect')) x('advselect').onload = function() { var e = x('advoptions'); e.className = e.className.indexOf('hidden')>=0 ? '' : 'hidden'; this.getElementsByTagName('i')[0].innerHTML = e.className.indexOf('hidden')>=0 ? '▸' : '▾'; return false; }; // auto-complete tag search if(x('advselect') && x('ti')) { var fields=['ti','te']; for(var field=0;field= 0) { if(l[i].className.indexOf('hidden') >= 0) { s++; l[i].className = 'nsfw'; l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className = ''; } else { l[i].className += ' hidden'; l[i].getElementsByTagName('a')[0].className = 'hidden'; } } else s++; } x('nsfwshown').innerHTML = s; return false; }; // VN tag spoiler options if(x('tagops')) { l = x('tagops').getElementsByTagName('a'); for(i=0;i= 0) { if(!e && l[i].className.indexOf('hidden') < 0) l[i].className += ' hidden'; if(e && l[i].className.indexOf('hidden') >= 0) l[i].className = l[i].className.replace(/hidden/, ''); } }; setcomment(); x('history_comments').onclick = function () { setCookie('histexpand', getCookie('histexpand') == 1 ? 0 : 1); setcomment(); return false; }; } // Are we really vndb? if(location.hostname != 'vndb.org') { var d = document.createElement('div'); d.setAttribute('id', 'debug'); d.innerHTML = '

This is not VNDB!

The real VNDB is here.'; document.body.appendChild(d); } // date selector l = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); for(i=0;i= 1) for(i=0; i