-- we don't use PgSQL's OIDS SET default_with_oids = false; -- for the functions to work, the following query must -- be executed on the database by a superuser: -- CREATE PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE plpgsql ----------------------------------------- -- T A B L E D E F I N I T I O N S -- ----------------------------------------- -- anime CREATE TABLE anime ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, year smallint, ann_id integer, nfo_id varchar(200), type smallint, title_romaji, title_kanji, lastfetch timestamptz ); -- changes CREATE TABLE changes ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, type smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rev integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), requester integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ip inet NOT NULL DEFAULT '', comments text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', causedby integer ); -- producers CREATE TABLE producers ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, latest integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); -- producers_rev CREATE TABLE producers_rev ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, pid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type character(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'co', name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', website varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', lang varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ja', "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- quotes CREATE TABLE quotes ( vid integer NOT NULL, quote varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(vid, quote) ); -- releases CREATE TABLE releases ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, latest integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); -- releases_lang CREATE TABLE releases_lang ( rid integer NOT NULL, lang varchar NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(rid, lang) ); -- releases_media CREATE TABLE releases_media ( rid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, medium character(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', qty smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(rid, medium, qty) ); -- releases_platforms CREATE TABLE releases_platforms ( rid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, platform character(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(rid, platform) ); -- releases_producers CREATE TABLE releases_producers ( rid integer NOT NULL, pid integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(pid, rid) ); -- releases_rev CREATE TABLE releases_rev ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, rid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, title varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, website varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', released integer NOT NULL, notes text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', minage smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT -1, gtin bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, patch boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, catalog varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', resolution smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, voiced smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, freeware boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, doujin boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, ani_story smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ani_ero smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- releases_vn CREATE TABLE releases_vn ( rid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(rid, vid) ); -- relgraph CREATE TABLE relgraph ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, cmap text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- rlists CREATE TABLE rlists ( uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vstat smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rstat smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY(uid, rid) ); -- screenshots CREATE TABLE screenshots ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, processed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, width smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, height smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- sessions CREATE TABLE sessions ( uid integer NOT NULL, token bytea NOT NULL, expiration timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() + '1 year'::interval), PRIMARY KEY (uid, token) ); -- stats_cache CREATE TABLE stats_cache ( section varchar(25) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- tags CREATE TABLE tags ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(250) NOT NULL UNIQUE, description text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', meta boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), state smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_vns integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, addedby integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ); -- tags_aliases CREATE TABLE tags_aliases ( alias varchar(250) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, tag integer NOT NULL, ); -- tags_parents CREATE TABLE tags_parents ( tag integer NOT NULL, parent integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(tag, parent) ); -- tags_vn CREATE TABLE tags_vn ( tag integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, uid integer NOT NULL, vote smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 3 CHECK (vote >= -3 AND vote <= 3 AND vote <> 0), spoiler smallint CHECK(spoiler >= 0 AND spoiler <= 2), PRIMARY KEY(tag, vid, uid) ); -- tags_vn_bayesian CREATE TABLE tags_vn_bayesian ( tag integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, users integer NOT NULL, rating real NOT NULL, spoiler smallint NOT NULL ); -- threads CREATE TABLE threads ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, count smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- threads_posts CREATE TABLE threads_posts ( tid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, num smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), edited timestamptz NOT NULL, msg text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY(tid, num) ); -- threads_boards CREATE TABLE threads_boards ( tid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type character(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, iid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(tid, type, iid) ); -- users CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE, mail varchar(100) NOT NULL, rank smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 3, passwd bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT '', registered timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), show_nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, show_list boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, c_votes integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_changes integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, skin varchar(128) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', customcss text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ip inet NOT NULL DEFAULT '', c_tags integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, salt character(9) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- vn CREATE TABLE vn ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, latest integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, rgraph integer, c_released integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_languages varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', c_platforms varchar(32) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', c_popularity real NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- vn_anime CREATE TABLE vn_anime ( vid integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(vid, aid) ); -- vn_relations CREATE TABLE vn_relations ( vid1 integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vid2 integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, relation integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(vid1, vid2) ); -- vn_rev CREATE TABLE vn_rev ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, title varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', img_nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, length smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_vnn integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, image integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, l_encubed varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_renai varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- vn_screenshots CREATE TABLE vn_screenshots ( vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, scr integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, rid integer DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(vid, scr) ); -- votes CREATE TABLE votes ( vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vote integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY(vid, uid) ); -- wlists CREATE TABLE wlists ( uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, wstat smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY(uid, vid) ); ----------------------------------------------- -- F O R E I G N K E Y C H E C K I N G -- ----------------------------------------------- ALTER TABLE changes ADD FOREIGN KEY (requester) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE changes ADD FOREIGN KEY (causedby) REFERENCES changes (id); ALTER TABLE producers ADD FOREIGN KEY (latest) REFERENCES producers_rev (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; ALTER TABLE producers_rev ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES changes (id); ALTER TABLE producers_rev ADD FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES producers (id); ALTER TABLE quotes ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn (id); ALTER TABLE releases ADD FOREIGN KEY (latest) REFERENCES releases_rev (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; ALTER TABLE releases_lang ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases_rev (id); ALTER TABLE releases_media ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases_rev (id); ALTER TABLE releases_platforms ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases_rev (id); ALTER TABLE releases_producers ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases_rev (id); ALTER TABLE releases_producers ADD FOREIGN KEY (pid) REFERENCES producers (id); ALTER TABLE releases_rev ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES changes (id); ALTER TABLE releases_rev ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases (id); ALTER TABLE releases_vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases_rev (id); ALTER TABLE releases_vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn (id); ALTER TABLE rlists ADD FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE rlists ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases (id); ALTER TABLE sessions ADD FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE tags ADD FOREIGN KEY (addedby) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE tags_aliases ADD FOREIGN KEY (tag) REFERENCES tags (id); ALTER TABLE tags_parents ADD FOREIGN KEY (tag) REFERENCES tags (id); ALTER TABLE tags_parents ADD FOREIGN KEY (parent) REFERENCES tags (id); ALTER TABLE tags_vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (tag) REFERENCES tags (id); ALTER TABLE tags_vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn (id); ALTER TABLE tags_vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE threads ADD FOREIGN KEY (id, count) REFERENCES threads_posts (tid, num) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; ALTER TABLE threads_posts ADD FOREIGN KEY (tid) REFERENCES threads (id); ALTER TABLE threads_posts ADD FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE threads_boards ADD FOREIGN KEY (tid) REFERENCES threads (id); ALTER TABLE vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (latest) REFERENCES vn_rev (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; ALTER TABLE vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (rgraph) REFERENCES relgraph (id); ALTER TABLE vn_anime ADD FOREIGN KEY (aid) REFERENCES anime (id); ALTER TABLE vn_anime ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn_rev (id); ALTER TABLE vn_relations ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid1) REFERENCES vn_rev (id); ALTER TABLE vn_relations ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid2) REFERENCES vn (id); ALTER TABLE vn_rev ADD FOREIGN KEY (id) REFERENCES changes (id); ALTER TABLE vn_rev ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn (id); ALTER TABLE vn_screenshots ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn_rev (id); ALTER TABLE vn_screenshots ADD FOREIGN KEY (scr) REFERENCES screenshots (id); ALTER TABLE vn_screenshots ADD FOREIGN KEY (rid) REFERENCES releases (id); ALTER TABLE votes ADD FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE votes ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn (id); ALTER TABLE wlists ADD FOREIGN KEY (uid) REFERENCES users (id); ALTER TABLE wlists ADD FOREIGN KEY (vid) REFERENCES vn (id); ------------------------- -- F U N C T I O N S -- ------------------------- -- update_rev(table, ids) - updates the rev column in the changes table CREATE FUNCTION update_rev(tbl text, ids text) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE r RECORD; r2 RECORD; i integer; t text; e text; BEGIN SELECT INTO t SUBSTRING(tbl, 1, 1); e := ''; IF ids <> '' THEN e := ' WHERE id IN('||ids||')'; END IF; FOR r IN EXECUTE 'SELECT id FROM '||tbl||e LOOP i := 1; FOR r2 IN EXECUTE 'SELECT id FROM '||tbl||'_rev WHERE '||t||'id = '||r.id||' ORDER BY id ASC' LOOP UPDATE changes SET rev = i WHERE id = r2.id; i := i+1; END LOOP; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- update_vncache(id) - updates the c_* columns in the vn table CREATE FUNCTION update_vncache(id integer) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE w text := ''; BEGIN IF id > 0 THEN w := ' WHERE id = '||id; END IF; EXECUTE 'UPDATE vn SET c_released = COALESCE((SELECT MIN(rr1.released) FROM releases_rev rr1 JOIN releases r1 ON rr1.id = r1.latest JOIN releases_vn rv1 ON rr1.id = rv1.rid WHERE rv1.vid = vn.id AND rr1.type <> 2 AND r1.hidden = FALSE AND rr1.released <> 0 GROUP BY rv1.vid ), 0), c_languages = COALESCE(ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY( SELECT rl2.lang FROM releases_rev rr2 JOIN releases_lang rl2 ON rl2.rid = rr2.id JOIN releases r2 ON rr2.id = r2.latest JOIN releases_vn rv2 ON rr2.id = rv2.rid WHERE rv2.vid = vn.id AND rr2.type <> 2 AND rr2.released <= TO_CHAR(''today''::timestamp, ''YYYYMMDD'')::integer AND r2.hidden = FALSE GROUP BY rl2.lang ORDER BY rl2.lang ), ''/''), ''''), c_platforms = COALESCE(ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY( SELECT rp3.platform FROM releases_platforms rp3 JOIN releases_rev rr3 ON rp3.rid = rr3.id JOIN releases r3 ON rp3.rid = r3.latest JOIN releases_vn rv3 ON rp3.rid = rv3.rid WHERE rv3.vid = vn.id AND rr3.type <> 2 AND rr3.released <= TO_CHAR(''today''::timestamp, ''YYYYMMDD'')::integer AND r3.hidden = FALSE GROUP BY rp3.platform ORDER BY rp3.platform ), ''/''), '''') '||w; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- recalculate vn.c_popularity CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnpopularity() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW tmp_pop1 (uid, vid, rank) AS SELECT v.uid, v.vid, sqrt(count(*))::real FROM votes v JOIN votes v2 ON v.uid = v2.uid AND v2.vote < v.vote GROUP BY v.vid, v.uid; CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW tmp_pop2 (vid, win) AS SELECT vid, sum(rank) FROM tmp_pop1 GROUP BY vid; UPDATE vn SET c_popularity = COALESCE((SELECT win/(SELECT MAX(win) FROM tmp_pop2) FROM tmp_pop2 WHERE vid = id), 0); RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- tag: tag to start with, -- lvl: recursion level -- dir: direction, true = parent->child, false = child->parent CREATE TYPE tag_tree_item AS (lvl smallint, tag integer, name text, c_vns integer); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tag_tree(tag integer, lvl integer, dir boolean) RETURNS SETOF tag_tree_item AS $$ DECLARE r tag_tree_item%rowtype; r2 tag_tree_item%rowtype; BEGIN IF dir AND tag = 0 THEN FOR r IN SELECT lvl, t.id, t.name, t.c_vns FROM tags t WHERE state = 2 AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tags_parents tp WHERE tp.tag = t.id) ORDER BY t.name LOOP RETURN NEXT r; IF lvl-1 <> 0 THEN FOR r2 IN SELECT * FROM tag_tree(r.tag, lvl-1, dir) LOOP RETURN NEXT r2; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; ELSIF dir THEN FOR r IN SELECT lvl, tp.tag, t.name, t.c_vns FROM tags_parents tp JOIN tags t ON t.id = tp.tag WHERE tp.parent = tag AND state = 2 ORDER BY t.name LOOP RETURN NEXT r; IF lvl-1 <> 0 THEN FOR r2 IN SELECT * FROM tag_tree(r.tag, lvl-1, dir) LOOP RETURN NEXT r2; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; ELSE FOR r IN SELECT lvl, tp.parent, t.name, t.c_vns FROM tags_parents tp JOIN tags t ON t.id = tp.parent WHERE tp.tag = tag AND state = 2 ORDER BY t.name LOOP RETURN NEXT r; IF lvl-1 <> 0 THEN FOR r2 IN SELECT * FROM tag_tree(r.tag, lvl-1, dir) LOOP RETURN NEXT r2; END LOOP; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- returns all votes inherited by childs -- UNION this with tags_vn and you have all votes for all tags CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tag_vn_childs() RETURNS SETOF tags_vn AS $$ DECLARE r tags_vn%rowtype; i RECORD; l RECORD; BEGIN FOR l IN SElECT id FROM tags WHERE meta = FALSE AND state = 2 AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM tags_parents WHERE parent = id) LOOP FOR i IN SELECT tag FROM tag_tree(l.id, 0, true) LOOP FOR r IN SELECT l.id, vid, uid, vote, spoiler FROM tags_vn WHERE tag = i.tag LOOP RETURN NEXT r; END LOOP; END LOOP; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- recalculate tags_vn_bayesian CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tag_vn_calc() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN -- all votes for all tags CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY VIEW tags_vn_all AS SELECT * FROM tags_vn UNION SELECT * FROM tag_vn_childs(); -- grouped by (tag, vid, uid), so only one user votes on one parent tag per VN entry CREATE OR REPLACE TEMPORARY VIEW tags_vn_grouped AS SELECT tag, vid, uid, MAX(vote)::real AS vote, COALESCE(AVG(spoiler), 0)::real AS spoiler FROM tags_vn_all WHERE vote > 0 GROUP BY tag, vid, uid; -- grouped by (tag, vid) and serialized into a table DROP INDEX IF EXISTS tags_vn_bayesian_tag; TRUNCATE tags_vn_bayesian; INSERT INTO tags_vn_bayesian SELECT tag, vid, COUNT(uid) AS users, AVG(vote)::real AS rating, (CASE WHEN AVG(spoiler) < 0.7 THEN 0 WHEN AVG(spoiler) > 1.3 THEN 2 ELSE 1 END)::smallint AS spoiler FROM tags_vn_grouped GROUP BY tag, vid; CREATE INDEX tags_vn_bayesian_tag ON tags_vn_bayesian (tag); -- now perform the bayesian ranking calculation UPDATE tags_vn_bayesian tvs SET rating = ((SELECT AVG(users)::real * AVG(rating)::real FROM tags_vn_bayesian WHERE tag = tvs.tag) + users*rating) / ((SELECT AVG(users)::real FROM tags_vn_bayesian WHERE tag = tvs.tag) + users)::real; -- and update the VN count in the tags table as well UPDATE tags SET c_vns = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags_vn_bayesian WHERE tag = id); RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT tag_vn_calc(); ----------------------- -- T R I G G E R S -- ----------------------- -- keep the c_* columns in the users table up to date CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_users_cache() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'votes' THEN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN UPDATE users SET c_votes = c_votes + 1 WHERE id = NEW.uid; ELSE UPDATE users SET c_votes = c_votes - 1 WHERE id = OLD.uid; END IF; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'changes' THEN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN UPDATE users SET c_changes = c_changes + 1 WHERE id = NEW.requester; ELSE UPDATE users SET c_changes = c_changes - 1 WHERE id = OLD.requester; END IF; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'tags_vn' THEN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN UPDATE users SET c_tags = c_tags + 1 WHERE id = NEW.uid; ELSE UPDATE users SET c_tags = c_tags - 1 WHERE id = OLD.uid; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER users_changes_update AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON changes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_users_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER users_votes_update AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON votes FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_users_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER users_tags_update AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON tags_vn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_users_cache(); -- the stats_cache table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_stats_cache() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'users' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSIF NEW.hidden = FALSE THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads_posts' THEN IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM threads WHERE id = NEW.tid AND hidden = FALSE) THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; ELSE UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; END IF; ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' AND TG_TABLE_NAME <> 'users' THEN IF OLD.hidden = TRUE AND NEW.hidden = FALSE THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+NEW.count WHERE section = 'threads_posts'; END IF; UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSIF OLD.hidden = FALSE AND NEW.hidden = TRUE THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count-NEW.count WHERE section = 'threads_posts'; END IF; UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count-1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' AND TG_TABLE_NAME = 'users' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count-1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; CREATE TRIGGER vn_stats_update AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON vn FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_stats_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER producers_stats_update AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON producers FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_stats_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER releases_stats_update AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON releases FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_stats_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER threads_stats_update AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON threads FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_stats_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER threads_posts_stats_update AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON threads_posts FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_stats_cache(); CREATE TRIGGER users_stats_update AFTER INSERT OR DELETE ON users FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_stats_cache(); -- insert rows into anime for new vn_anime.aid items CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vn_anime_aid() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM anime WHERE id = NEW.aid) THEN INSERT INTO anime (id) VALUES (NEW.aid); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER vn_anime_aid BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON vn_anime FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE vn_anime_aid(); -- Send a notify whenever anime info should be fetched CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION anime_fetch_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.lastfetch IS NULL THEN NOTIFY anime; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER anime_fetch_notify AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON anime FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE anime_fetch_notify(); -- Send a notify when a new cover image is uploaded CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vn_rev_image_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.image < 0 THEN NOTIFY coverimage; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER vn_rev_image_notify AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON vn_rev FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE vn_rev_image_notify(); -- Send a notify when a screenshot needs to be processed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION screenshot_process_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NEW.processed = FALSE THEN NOTIFY screenshot; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER screenshot_process_notify AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON screenshots FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE screenshot_process_notify(); -- Update vn.rgraph column and send notify when a relation graph needs to be regenerated -- 1. NOTIFY is sent on an UPDATE or INSERT on vn with rgraph = NULL and with entries in vn_relations (deferred) -- vn.rgraph is set to NULL when: -- 2. UPDATE on vn where c_released or c_languages has changed (deferred, but doesn't have to be) -- 3. New VN revision of which the title differs from previous revision (deferred) -- 4. New VN revision with items in vn_relations that differ from previous revision (deferred) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vn_relgraph_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN -- 1. IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'vn' THEN IF NEW.rgraph IS NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_relations WHERE vid1 = NEW.latest) THEN NOTIFY relgraph; END IF; END IF; IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'vn' AND TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF NEW.rgraph IS NOT NULL AND OLD.latest > 0 THEN -- 2. IF OLD.c_released <> NEW.c_released OR OLD.c_languages <> NEW.c_languages THEN UPDATE vn SET rgraph = NULL WHERE id = NEW.id; END IF; -- 3 & 4 IF OLD.latest <> NEW.latest AND ( EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_rev v1, vn_rev v2 WHERE v2.title <> v1.title AND v1.id = OLD.latest AND v2.id = NEW.latest) OR EXISTS(SELECT v1.vid2, v1.relation FROM vn_relations v1 WHERE v1.vid1 = OLD.latest EXCEPT SELECT v2.vid2, v2.relation FROM vn_relations v2 WHERE v2.vid1 = NEW.latest) OR EXISTS(SELECT v1.vid2, v1.relation FROM vn_relations v1 WHERE v1.vid1 = NEW.latest EXCEPT SELECT v2.vid2, v2.relation FROM vn_relations v2 WHERE v2.vid1 = OLD.latest) ) THEN UPDATE vn SET rgraph = NULL WHERE id = NEW.id; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER vn_relgraph_notify AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE ON vn DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE vn_relgraph_notify(); -- NOTIFY on insert into changes/posts/tags CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'changes' THEN NOTIFY newrevision; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads_posts' THEN NOTIFY newpost; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'tags' THEN NOTIFY newtag; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE TRIGGER insert_notify AFTER INSERT ON changes FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_notify(); CREATE TRIGGER insert_notify AFTER INSERT ON threads_posts FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_notify(); CREATE TRIGGER insert_notify AFTER INSERT ON tags FOR EACH STATEMENT EXECUTE PROCEDURE insert_notify(); --------------------------------- -- M I S C E L L A N E O U S -- --------------------------------- -- Sequences used for ID generation of items not in the DB CREATE SEQUENCE covers_seq; -- Rows that are assumed to be available INSERT INTO users (id, username, mail, rank) VALUES (0, 'deleted', 'del@vndb.org', 0); INSERT INTO users (username, mail, rank) VALUES ('multi', 'multi@vndb.org', 0); INSERT INTO stats_cache (section, count) VALUES ('users', 1), ('vn', 0), ('producers', 0), ('releases', 0), ('threads', 0), ('threads_posts', 0);