#!/usr/bin/perl # This script should be run after you've somehow managed to fetch # all the versioned files from the git repo. print "Initializing the files and directories needed to run VNDB...\n"; # determine our root directory use Cwd 'abs_path'; our $ROOT; BEGIN { ($ROOT = abs_path $0) =~ s{/util/init\.pl$}{}; } print " Using project root: $ROOT\n"; print "\n"; print "Creating directory structures...\n"; for my $d (qw| cv st sf |) { print " /static/$d\n"; mkdir "$ROOT/static/$d" or die "mkdir '$ROOT/static/$d': $!\n"; for my $i (0..99) { my $n = sprintf '%s/static/%s/%02d', $ROOT, $d, $i; mkdir $n or die "mkdir '$n': $!\n"; chmod 0777, $n or die "chmod 777 '$n': $!\n"; } } print "\n"; print "Creating /www\n"; print " You can use this directory to store all files you want to\n"; print " be available from the main domain. A favicon.ico for example.\n"; mkdir "$ROOT/www" or die $!; print "\n"; print "Writing robots.txt in /static and /www\n"; print " You probably don't want your personal copy of VNDB to end up\n"; print " in the google results, so I'll install a default robots.txt\n"; print " for you. You're free to modify them as you wish.\n"; for ('static/robots.txt', 'www/robots.txt') { print " $_ exists, skipping...\n", next if -f "$ROOT/$_"; open my $F, '>', "$ROOT/$_" or die "$_: $!\n"; print $F "User-agent: *\nDisallow: /\n"; close $F; } print "\n"; if(!-f "$ROOT/data/config.pl") { # TODO: create a template config file print "No custom config file found, please write one!\n"; } print "\n"; print "Everything is initialized! Now make sure to configure your\n"; print "webserver and to initialize a postgresql database (using\n"; print "dump.sql)\n";