-- A small note on the function naming scheme: -- edit_* -> revision insertion abstraction functions -- *_notify -> functions issuing a PgSQL NOTIFY statement -- notify_* -> functions creating entries in the notifications table -- user_* -> functions to manage users and sessions -- update_* -> functions to update a cache -- *_update ^ (I should probably rename these to -- *_calc ^ the update_* scheme for consistency) -- I like to keep the nouns in functions singular, in contrast to the table -- naming scheme where nouns are always plural. But I'm not very consistent -- with that, either. -- strip_bb_tags(text) - simple utility function to aid full-text searching CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION strip_bb_tags(t text) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT regexp_replace(t, '\[(?:url=[^\]]+|/?(?:spoiler|quote|raw|code|url))\]', ' ', 'gi'); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE; -- Wrapper around to_tsvector() and strip_bb_tags(), implemented in plpgsql and -- with an associated cost function to make it opaque to the query planner and -- ensure the query planner realizes that this function is _slow_. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bb_tsvector(t text) RETURNS tsvector AS $$ BEGIN RETURN to_tsvector('english', strip_bb_tags(t)); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql IMMUTABLE COST 500; -- BUG: Since this isn't a full bbcode parser, [spoiler] tags inside [raw] or [code] are still considered spoilers. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION strip_spoilers(t text) RETURNS text AS $$ -- The website doesn't require the [spoiler] tag to be closed, the outer replace catches that case. SELECT regexp_replace(regexp_replace(t, '\[spoiler\].*?\[/spoiler\]', ' ', 'ig'), '\[spoiler\].*', ' ', 'i'); $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE; -- Assigns a score to the relevance of a substring match, intended for use in -- an ORDER BY clause. Exact matches are ordered first, prefix matches after -- that, and finally a normal substring match. Not particularly fast, but -- that's to be expected of naive substring searches. -- Pattern must be escaped for use as a LIKE pattern. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION substr_score(str text, pattern text) RETURNS integer AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN str ILIKE pattern THEN 0 WHEN str ILIKE pattern||'%' THEN 1 WHEN str ILIKE '%'||pattern||'%' THEN 2 ELSE 3 END; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- update_vncache(id) - updates some c_* columns in the vn table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vncache(integer) RETURNS void AS $$ UPDATE vn SET c_released = COALESCE(( SELECT MIN(r.released) FROM releases r JOIN releases_vn rv ON r.id = rv.id WHERE rv.vid = $1 AND r.type <> 'trial' AND r.hidden = FALSE AND r.released <> 0 GROUP BY rv.vid ), 0), c_olang = ARRAY( SELECT lang FROM releases_lang WHERE id = ( SELECT r.id FROM releases_vn rv JOIN releases r ON rv.id = r.id WHERE r.released > 0 AND NOT r.hidden AND rv.vid = $1 ORDER BY r.released LIMIT 1 ) ), c_languages = ARRAY( SELECT rl.lang FROM releases_lang rl JOIN releases r ON r.id = rl.id JOIN releases_vn rv ON r.id = rv.id WHERE rv.vid = $1 AND r.type <> 'trial' AND r.released <= TO_CHAR('today'::timestamp, 'YYYYMMDD')::integer AND r.hidden = FALSE GROUP BY rl.lang ORDER BY rl.lang ), c_platforms = ARRAY( SELECT rp.platform FROM releases_platforms rp JOIN releases r ON rp.id = r.id JOIN releases_vn rv ON rp.id = rv.id WHERE rv.vid = $1 AND r.type <> 'trial' AND r.released <= TO_CHAR('today'::timestamp, 'YYYYMMDD')::integer AND r.hidden = FALSE GROUP BY rp.platform ORDER BY rp.platform ) WHERE id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- recalculate vn.c_popularity CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnpopularity() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN -- the following queries only update rows with popularity > 0, so make sure to reset all rows first UPDATE vn SET c_popularity = NULL; CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW tmp_pop1 (uid, vid, rank) AS SELECT v.uid, v.vid, count(*)::real ^ 0.36788 FROM votes v JOIN votes v2 ON v.uid = v2.uid AND v2.vote < v.vote JOIN users u ON u.id = v.uid AND NOT ign_votes GROUP BY v.vid, v.uid; CREATE OR REPLACE TEMP VIEW tmp_pop2 (vid, win) AS SELECT vid, sum(rank) FROM tmp_pop1 GROUP BY vid; UPDATE vn SET c_popularity = s1.win/(SELECT MAX(win) FROM tmp_pop2) FROM tmp_pop2 s1 WHERE s1.vid = vn.id; RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- recalculate tags_vn_inherit CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION tag_vn_calc() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN DROP INDEX IF EXISTS tags_vn_inherit_tag_vid; TRUNCATE tags_vn_inherit; -- populate tags_vn_inherit INSERT INTO tags_vn_inherit -- all votes for all tags, including votes inherited by child tags -- (also includes meta tags, because they could have a normal tag as parent) WITH RECURSIVE tags_vn_all(lvl, tag, vid, uid, vote, spoiler, meta) AS ( SELECT 15, tag, vid, uid, vote, spoiler, false FROM tags_vn WHERE NOT ignore UNION ALL SELECT lvl-1, tp.parent, ta.vid, ta.uid, ta.vote, ta.spoiler, t.meta FROM tags_vn_all ta JOIN tags_parents tp ON tp.tag = ta.tag JOIN tags t ON t.id = tp.parent WHERE t.state = 2 AND ta.lvl > 0 ) -- grouped by (tag, vid) SELECT tag, vid, COUNT(uid) AS users, AVG(vote)::real AS rating, (CASE WHEN AVG(spoiler) > 1.3 THEN 2 WHEN AVG(spoiler) > 0.7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)::smallint AS spoiler FROM ( -- grouped by (tag, vid, uid), so only one user votes on one parent tag per VN entry (also removing meta tags) SELECT tag, vid, uid, MAX(vote)::real, AVG(spoiler)::real FROM tags_vn_all WHERE NOT meta GROUP BY tag, vid, uid ) AS t(tag, vid, uid, vote, spoiler) GROUP BY tag, vid HAVING AVG(vote) > 0; -- recreate index CREATE INDEX tags_vn_inherit_tag_vid ON tags_vn_inherit (tag, vid); -- and update the VN count in the tags table UPDATE tags SET c_items = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tags_vn_inherit WHERE tag = id); RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql SECURITY DEFINER; -- recalculate traits_chars CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION traits_chars_calc() RETURNS void AS $$ BEGIN TRUNCATE traits_chars; INSERT INTO traits_chars (tid, cid, spoil) -- all char<->trait links of the latest revisions, including chars inherited from child traits -- (also includes meta traits, because they could have a normal trait as parent) WITH RECURSIVE traits_chars_all(lvl, tid, cid, spoiler, meta) AS ( SELECT 15, tid, ct.id, spoil, false FROM chars_traits ct JOIN chars c ON c.id = ct.id WHERE NOT c.hidden UNION ALL SELECT lvl-1, tp.parent, tc.cid, tc.spoiler, t.meta FROM traits_chars_all tc JOIN traits_parents tp ON tp.trait = tc.tid JOIN traits t ON t.id = tp.parent WHERE t.state = 2 AND tc.lvl > 0 ) -- now grouped by (tid, cid) and with meta traits filtered out SELECT tid, cid, (CASE WHEN AVG(spoiler) > 1.3 THEN 2 WHEN AVG(spoiler) > 0.7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)::smallint AS spoiler FROM traits_chars_all WHERE NOT meta GROUP BY tid, cid; -- and update the VN count in the tags table UPDATE traits SET c_items = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM traits_chars WHERE tid = id); RETURN; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- revision insertion abstraction -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- The two functions below are utility functions used by the item-specific functions in editfunc.sql -- create temporary table for generic revision info, and returns the chid of the revision being edited (or NULL). CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION edit_revtable(xtype dbentry_type, xitemid integer, xrev integer) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE ret integer; x record; BEGIN BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE edit_revision ( type dbentry_type NOT NULL, itemid integer, requester integer, ip inet, comments text, ihid boolean, ilock boolean ); EXCEPTION WHEN duplicate_table THEN TRUNCATE edit_revision; END; SELECT INTO x id, ihid, ilock FROM changes c WHERE type = xtype AND itemid = xitemid AND rev = xrev; INSERT INTO edit_revision (type, itemid, ihid, ilock) VALUES (xtype, xitemid, COALESCE(x.ihid, FALSE), COALESCE(x.ilock, FALSE)); RETURN x.id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION edit_commit() RETURNS edit_rettype AS $$ DECLARE ret edit_rettype; xtype dbentry_type; BEGIN SELECT type INTO xtype FROM edit_revision; SELECT itemid INTO ret.itemid FROM edit_revision; -- figure out revision number SELECT MAX(rev)+1 INTO ret.rev FROM changes WHERE type = xtype AND itemid = ret.itemid; SELECT COALESCE(ret.rev, 1) INTO ret.rev; -- insert DB item IF ret.itemid IS NULL THEN CASE xtype WHEN 'v' THEN INSERT INTO vn DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING id INTO ret.itemid; WHEN 'r' THEN INSERT INTO releases DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING id INTO ret.itemid; WHEN 'p' THEN INSERT INTO producers DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING id INTO ret.itemid; WHEN 'c' THEN INSERT INTO chars DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING id INTO ret.itemid; WHEN 's' THEN INSERT INTO staff DEFAULT VALUES RETURNING id INTO ret.itemid; END CASE; END IF; -- insert change INSERT INTO changes (type, itemid, rev, requester, ip, comments, ihid, ilock) SELECT type, ret.itemid, ret.rev, requester, ip, comments, ihid, ilock FROM edit_revision RETURNING id INTO ret.chid; RETURN ret; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Check for stuff to be done when an item has been changed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION edit_committed(xtype dbentry_type, xedit edit_rettype) RETURNS void AS $$ DECLARE xoldchid integer; BEGIN SELECT id INTO xoldchid FROM changes WHERE type = xtype AND itemid = xedit.itemid AND rev = xedit.rev-1; -- Set producers.rgraph to NULL and notify when: -- 1. There's a new producer entry with some relations -- 2. The producer name/type/language has changed -- 3. The producer relations have been changed IF xtype = 'p' THEN IF -- 1. (xoldchid IS NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM producers_relations_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid)) OR (xoldchid IS NOT NULL AND ( -- 2. EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM producers_hist p1, producers_hist p2 WHERE (p2.name <> p1.name OR p2.type <> p1.type OR p2.lang <> p1.lang) AND p1.chid = xoldchid AND p2.chid = xedit.chid) -- 3. OR EXISTS(SELECT pid, relation FROM producers_relations_hist WHERE chid = xoldchid EXCEPT SELECT pid, relation FROM producers_relations_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid) OR EXISTS(SELECT pid, relation FROM producers_relations_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid EXCEPT SELECT pid, relation FROM producers_relations_hist WHERE chid = xoldchid) )) THEN UPDATE producers SET rgraph = NULL WHERE id = xedit.itemid; NOTIFY relgraph; -- This notify is not done by the producer_relgraph_notify trigger for new entries or if rgraph was already NULL END IF; END IF; -- Set vn.rgraph to NULL and notify when: -- 1. There's a new vn entry with some relations -- 2. The vn title has changed -- 3. The vn relations have been changed IF xtype = 'v' THEN IF -- 1. (xoldchid IS NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_relations_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid)) OR (xoldchid IS NOT NULL AND ( -- 2. EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_hist v1, vn_hist v2 WHERE v2.title <> v1.title AND v1.chid = xoldchid AND v2.chid = xedit.chid) -- 3. OR EXISTS(SELECT vid, relation, official FROM vn_relations_hist WHERE chid = xoldchid EXCEPT SELECT vid, relation, official FROM vn_relations_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid) OR EXISTS(SELECT vid, relation, official FROM vn_relations_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid EXCEPT SELECT vid, relation, official FROM vn_relations_hist WHERE chid = xoldchid) )) THEN UPDATE vn SET rgraph = NULL WHERE id = xedit.itemid; NOTIFY relgraph; END IF; END IF; -- Set c_search to NULL and notify when -- 1. A new VN entry is created -- 2. The vn title/original/alias has changed IF xtype = 'v' THEN IF -- 1. xoldchid IS NULL OR -- 2. EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_hist v1, vn_hist v2 WHERE (v2.title <> v1.title OR v2.original <> v1.original OR v2.alias <> v1.alias) AND v1.chid = xoldchid AND v2.chid = xedit.chid) THEN UPDATE vn SET c_search = NULL WHERE id = xedit.itemid; NOTIFY vnsearch; END IF; END IF; -- Set related vn.c_search columns to NULL and notify when -- 1. A new release is created -- 2. A release has been hidden or unhidden -- 3. The release title/original has changed -- 4. The releases_vn table differs from a previous revision IF xtype = 'r' THEN IF -- 1. xoldchid IS NULL OR -- 2. EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes c1, changes c2 WHERE c1.ihid IS DISTINCT FROM c2.ihid AND c1.id = xedit.chid AND c2.id = xoldchid) OR -- 3. EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM releases_hist r1, releases_hist r2 WHERE (r2.title <> r1.title OR r2.original <> r1.original) AND r1.chid = xoldchid AND r2.chid = xedit.chid) OR -- 4. EXISTS(SELECT vid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE chid = xoldchid EXCEPT SELECT vid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid) OR EXISTS(SELECT vid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE chid = xedit.chid EXCEPT SELECT vid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE chid = xoldchid) THEN UPDATE vn SET c_search = NULL WHERE id IN(SELECT vid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE chid IN(xedit.chid, xoldchid)); NOTIFY vnsearch; END IF; END IF; -- Call update_vncache() for related VNs when a release has been created or edited -- (This could be made more specific, but update_vncache() is fast enough that it's not worth the complexity) IF xtype = 'r' THEN PERFORM update_vncache(vid) FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT vid FROM releases_vn_hist WHERE chid IN(xedit.chid, xoldchid) ) AS v(vid); END IF; -- Call notify_dbdel() if an entry has been deleted -- Call notify_listdel() if a vn/release entry has been deleted IF xoldchid IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes WHERE id = xoldchid AND NOT ihid) AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes WHERE id = xedit.chid AND ihid) THEN PERFORM notify_dbdel(xtype, xedit); IF xtype = 'v' OR xtype = 'r' THEN PERFORM notify_listdel(xtype, xedit); END IF; END IF; -- Call notify_dbedit() if a non-hidden entry has been edited IF xoldchid IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes WHERE id = xedit.chid AND NOT ihid) THEN PERFORM notify_dbedit(xtype, xedit); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- trigger functions -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- keep the c_* columns in the users table up to date CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_users_cache() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'votes' THEN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN UPDATE users SET c_votes = c_votes + 1 WHERE id = NEW.uid; ELSE UPDATE users SET c_votes = c_votes - 1 WHERE id = OLD.uid; END IF; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'changes' THEN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN UPDATE users SET c_changes = c_changes + 1 WHERE id = NEW.requester; ELSE UPDATE users SET c_changes = c_changes - 1 WHERE id = OLD.requester; END IF; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'tags_vn' THEN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN UPDATE users SET c_tags = c_tags + 1 WHERE id = NEW.uid; ELSE UPDATE users SET c_tags = c_tags - 1 WHERE id = OLD.uid; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- the stats_cache table CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_stats_cache() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ DECLARE unhidden boolean; hidden boolean; BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'users' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSE IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads_posts' THEN IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM threads WHERE id = NEW.tid AND threads.hidden = FALSE) THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; ELSE UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; END IF; ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME IN('tags', 'traits') THEN unhidden := OLD.state <> 2 AND NEW.state = 2; hidden := OLD.state = 2 AND NEW.state <> 2; ELSE unhidden := OLD.hidden AND NOT NEW.hidden; hidden := NOT unhidden; END IF; IF unhidden THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+NEW.count WHERE section = 'threads_posts'; END IF; UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count+1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; ELSIF hidden THEN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count-NEW.count WHERE section = 'threads_posts'; END IF; UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count-1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' AND TG_TABLE_NAME = 'users' THEN UPDATE stats_cache SET count = count-1 WHERE section = TG_TABLE_NAME; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; -- insert rows into anime for new vn_anime.aid items -- (this is a BEFORE trigger) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vn_anime_aid() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM anime WHERE id = NEW.aid) THEN INSERT INTO anime (id) VALUES (NEW.aid); END IF; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- For each row in rlists, there should be at least one corresponding row in -- vnlists for at least one of the VNs linked to that release. -- 1. When a row is deleted from vnlists, also remove all rows from rlists that -- would otherwise not have a corresponding row in vnlists -- 2. When a row is inserted to rlists and there is not yet a corresponding row -- in vnlists, add a row in vnlists (with status=unknown) for each vn linked -- to the release. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_vnlist_rlist() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN -- 1. IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'vnlists' THEN DELETE FROM rlists WHERE uid = OLD.uid AND rid IN(SELECT rv.id -- fetch all related rows in rlists FROM releases_vn rv JOIN rlists rl ON rl.rid = rv.id WHERE rv.vid = OLD.vid AND rl.uid = OLD.uid -- and test for a corresponding row in vnlists AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM releases_vn rvi JOIN vnlists vl ON vl.vid = rvi.vid AND uid = OLD.uid WHERE rvi.id = rv.id )); -- 2. ELSE INSERT INTO vnlists (uid, vid) SELECT NEW.uid, rv.vid -- all VNs linked to the release FROM releases_vn rv WHERE rv.id = NEW.rid -- but only if there are no corresponding rows in vnlists yet AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM releases_vn rvi JOIN vnlists vl ON vl.vid = rvi.vid WHERE rvi.id = NEW.rid AND vl.uid = NEW.uid ); END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Send a notify whenever anime info should be fetched CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION anime_fetch_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN NOTIFY anime; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- 1. Send a notify when vn.rgraph is set to NULL, and there are related entries in vn_relations -- 2. Set rgraph to NULL when c_languages or c_released has changed CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vn_relgraph_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM vn_relations WHERE id = NEW.id) THEN -- 1. IF NEW.rgraph IS NULL THEN NOTIFY relgraph; -- 2. ELSE UPDATE vn SET rgraph = NULL WHERE id = NEW.id; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Send a notify when producers.rgraph is set to NULL, and there are related entries in producers_relations CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION producer_relgraph_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM producers_relations WHERE id = NEW.id) THEN NOTIFY relgraph; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- NOTIFY on insert into changes/posts/tags/trait CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN IF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'changes' THEN NOTIFY newrevision; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'threads_posts' THEN NOTIFY newpost; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'tags' THEN NOTIFY newtag; ELSIF TG_TABLE_NAME = 'traits' THEN NOTIFY newtrait; END IF; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Send a vnsearch notification when the c_search column is set to NULL. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION vn_vnsearch_notify() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN NOTIFY vnsearch; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- notification functions -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- called on INSERT INTO threads_posts CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_pm() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO notifications (ntype, ltype, uid, iid, subid, c_title, c_byuser) SELECT 'pm', 't', tb.iid, t.id, NEW.num, t.title, NEw.uid FROM threads t JOIN threads_boards tb ON tb.tid = t.id WHERE t.id = NEW.tid AND tb.type = 'u' AND tb.iid <> NEW.uid -- don't notify when posting in your own board AND NOT EXISTS( -- don't notify when you haven't read an earlier post in the thread yet SELECT 1 FROM notifications n WHERE n.uid = tb.iid AND n.ntype = 'pm' AND n.iid = t.id AND n.read IS NULL ); RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- called when an entry has been deleted CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_dbdel(xtype dbentry_type, xedit edit_rettype) RETURNS void AS $$ INSERT INTO notifications (ntype, ltype, uid, iid, subid, c_title, c_byuser) SELECT DISTINCT 'dbdel'::notification_ntype, xtype::text::notification_ltype, h.requester, xedit.itemid, xedit.rev, x.title, h2.requester FROM changes h -- join info about the deletion itself JOIN changes h2 ON h2.id = xedit.chid -- Fetch the latest name/title of the entry -- this method may look a bit unintuitive, but it's way faster than doing LEFT JOINs JOIN ( SELECT v.title FROM vn v WHERE xtype = 'v' AND v.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT r.title FROM releases r WHERE xtype = 'r' AND r.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT p.name FROM producers p WHERE xtype = 'p' AND p.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT c.name FROM chars c WHERE xtype = 'c' AND c.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT sa.name FROM staff s JOIN staff_alias sa ON sa.aid = s.aid WHERE xtype = 's' AND s.id = xedit.itemid ) x(title) ON true WHERE h.type = xtype AND h.itemid = xedit.itemid AND h.requester <> 1 -- exclude Multi AND h.requester <> h2.requester; -- exclude the user who deleted the entry $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- Called when a non-deleted item has been edited. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_dbedit(xtype dbentry_type, xedit edit_rettype) RETURNS void AS $$ INSERT INTO notifications (ntype, ltype, uid, iid, subid, c_title, c_byuser) SELECT DISTINCT 'dbedit'::notification_ntype, xtype::text::notification_ltype, h.requester, xedit.itemid, xedit.rev, x.title, h2.requester FROM changes h -- join info about the edit itself JOIN changes h2 ON h2.id = xedit.chid -- Fetch the latest name/title of the entry JOIN ( SELECT v.title FROM vn v WHERE xtype = 'v' AND v.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT r.title FROM releases r WHERE xtype = 'r' AND r.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT p.name FROM producers p WHERE xtype = 'p' AND p.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT c.name FROM chars c WHERE xtype = 'c' AND c.id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT sa.name FROM staff s JOIN staff_alias sa ON sa.aid = s.aid WHERE xtype = 's' AND s.id = xedit.itemid ) x(title) ON true WHERE h.type = xtype AND h.itemid = xedit.itemid AND h.requester <> h2.requester -- exclude the user who edited the entry -- exclude users who don't want this notify AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM users_prefs up WHERE uid = h.requester AND key = 'notify_nodbedit'); $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- called when a VN/release entry has been deleted CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_listdel(xtype dbentry_type, xedit edit_rettype) RETURNS void AS $$ INSERT INTO notifications (ntype, ltype, uid, iid, subid, c_title, c_byuser) SELECT DISTINCT 'listdel'::notification_ntype, xtype::text::notification_ltype, u.uid, xedit.itemid, xedit.rev, x.title, c.requester -- look for users who should get this notify FROM ( SELECT uid FROM votes WHERE xtype = 'v' AND vid = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT uid FROM vnlists WHERE xtype = 'v' AND vid = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT uid FROM wlists WHERE xtype = 'v' AND vid = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT uid FROM rlists WHERE xtype = 'r' AND rid = xedit.itemid ) u -- fetch info about this edit JOIN changes c ON c.id = xedit.chid JOIN ( SELECT title FROM vn WHERE xtype = 'v' AND id = xedit.itemid UNION SELECT title FROM releases WHERE xtype = 'r' AND id = xedit.itemid ) x ON true WHERE c.requester <> u.uid; $$ LANGUAGE sql; -- called on INSERT INTO threads_posts when (NEW.num = 1) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION notify_announce() RETURNS trigger AS $$ BEGIN INSERT INTO notifications (ntype, ltype, uid, iid, subid, c_title, c_byuser) SELECT 'announce', 't', up.uid, t.id, 1, t.title, NEw.uid FROM threads t JOIN threads_boards tb ON tb.tid = t.id -- get the users who want this announcement JOIN users_prefs up ON up.key = 'notify_announce' WHERE t.id = NEW.tid AND tb.type = 'an' -- announcement board AND NOT t.hidden; RETURN NULL; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; ---------------------------------------------------------- -- user management -- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- XXX: These functions run with the permissions of the 'vndb' user. -- Returns the raw scrypt parameters (N, r, p and salt) for this user, in order -- to create an encrypted pass. Returns NULL if this user does not have a valid -- password. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_getscryptargs(integer) RETURNS bytea AS $$ SELECT CASE WHEN length(passwd) = 46 THEN substring(passwd from 1 for 14) ELSE NULL END FROM users WHERE id = $1 $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; -- Create a new session for this user (uid, scryptpass, token) CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_login(integer, bytea, bytea) RETURNS boolean AS $$ INSERT INTO sessions (uid, token) SELECT $1, $3 FROM users WHERE length($2) = 46 AND length($3) = 20 AND id = $1 AND passwd = $2 RETURNING true $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_logout(integer, bytea) RETURNS void AS $$ DELETE FROM sessions WHERE uid = $1 AND token = $2 $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_update_lastused(integer, bytea) RETURNS void AS $$ UPDATE sessions SET lastused = NOW() WHERE uid = $1 AND token = $2 $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_isloggedin(integer, bytea) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$ SELECT lastused FROM sessions WHERE uid = $1 AND token = $2 $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_emailexists(text) RETURNS boolean AS $$ SELECT true FROM users WHERE lower(mail) = lower($1) LIMIT 1 $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_isvalidtoken(integer, bytea) RETURNS boolean AS $$ SELECT true FROM users WHERE id = $1 AND passwd = $2 AND length($2) = 20 $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; -- Replace password with a reset token. args: email, token. Returns: user id. -- Doesn't work for usermods, otherwise an attacker could use this function to -- gain access to all user's emails by obtaining a reset token of a usermod. -- Ideally Postgres itself would send the user an email so that the application -- calling this function doesn't even get the token, and thus can't get access -- to someone's account. But alas, that'd require a separate process. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_resetpass(text, bytea) RETURNS integer AS $$ UPDATE users SET passwd = $2 WHERE lower(mail) = lower($1) AND length($2) = 20 AND perm & 128 = 0 RETURNING id; $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; -- Changes the user's password and invalidates all existing sessions. args: uid, old_pass_or_token, new_pass CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_setpass(integer, bytea, bytea) RETURNS boolean AS $$ WITH upd(id) AS ( UPDATE users SET passwd = $3 WHERE id = $1 AND passwd = $2 AND length($2) IN(20,46) AND length($3) = 46 RETURNING id ), del AS( -- Not referenced, but still guaranteed to run DELETE FROM sessions WHERE uid IN(SELECT id FROM upd) ) SELECT true FROM upd $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; -- Internal function, used to verify whether user ($2 with session $3) is -- allowed to access data from user $1. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_isauth(integer, integer, bytea) RETURNS boolean AS $$ SELECT true FROM users WHERE id = $2 AND EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM sessions WHERE uid = $2 AND token = $3) AND ($2 = $1 OR perm & 128 = 128) $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- uid of user email to get, uid currently logged in, session token of currently logged in. -- Ensures that only the user itself or a useradmin can get someone's email address. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_getmail(integer, integer, bytea) RETURNS text AS $$ SELECT mail FROM users WHERE id = $1 AND user_isauth($1, $2, $3) $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_setmail(integer, integer, bytea, text) RETURNS void AS $$ UPDATE users SET mail = $4 WHERE id = $1 AND user_isauth($1, $2, $3) $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_setperm(integer, integer, bytea, integer) RETURNS void AS $$ UPDATE users SET perm = $4 WHERE id = $1 AND user_isauth(-1, $2, $3) $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION user_admin_setpass(integer, integer, bytea, bytea) RETURNS void AS $$ WITH upd(id) AS ( UPDATE users SET passwd = $4 WHERE id = $1 AND user_isauth(-1, $2, $3) AND length($4) = 46 RETURNING id ) DELETE FROM sessions WHERE uid IN(SELECT id FROM upd) $$ LANGUAGE SQL SECURITY DEFINER;