-- Convention for database items with version control: -- -- CREATE TABLE items ( -- dbentry_type=x -- id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, -- hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, -- -- item-specific columns here -- ); -- CREATE TABLE items_hist ( -- History of the 'items' table -- chid integer NOT NULL, -- references changes.id -- -- item-specific columns here -- ); -- -- The '-- dbentry_type=x' comment is required, and is used by -- util/sqleditfunc.pl to generate the correct editing functions. The history -- of the 'locked' and 'hidden' flags is recorded in the changes table. It's -- possible for 'items' to have more item-specific columns than 'items_hist'. -- Some columns are caches or otherwise autogenerated, and do not need to be -- versioned. -- -- item-related tables work roughly the same: -- -- CREATE TABLE items_field ( -- id integer, -- references items.id -- -- field-specific columns here -- ); -- CREATE TABLE items_field_hist ( -- History of the 'items_field' table -- chid integer, -- references changes.id -- -- field-specific columns here -- ); -- -- The changes and *_hist tables contain all the data. In a sense, the other -- tables related to the item are just a cache/view into the latest versions. -- All modifications to the item tables has to go through the edit_* functions -- in func.sql, these are also responsible for keeping things synchronized. -- -- Note: Every CREATE TABLE clause and each column should be on a separate -- line. This file is parsed by util/sqleditfunc.pl, and it doesn't implement a -- full SQL query parser. -- affiliate_links CREATE TABLE affiliate_links ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, rid integer NOT NULL, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, priority smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, affiliate smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, url varchar NOT NULL, version varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT '', lastfetch timestamptz, price varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT '', data varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- anime CREATE TABLE anime ( id integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, year smallint, ann_id integer, nfo_id varchar(200), type anime_type, title_romaji varchar(250), title_kanji varchar(250), lastfetch timestamptz ); -- changes CREATE TABLE changes ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, type dbentry_type NOT NULL, itemid integer NOT NULL, rev integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), requester integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ip inet NOT NULL DEFAULT '', comments text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', ihid boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, ilock boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); -- chars CREATE TABLE chars ( -- dbentry_type=c id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, name varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', image integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', gender gender NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', s_bust smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, s_waist smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, s_hip smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, b_month smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, b_day smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, height smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, weight smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, bloodt blood_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', main integer, -- chars.id main_spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- chars_hist CREATE TABLE chars_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', image integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', gender gender NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', s_bust smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, s_waist smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, s_hip smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, b_month smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, b_day smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, height smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, weight smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, bloodt blood_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', main integer, -- chars.id main_spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- chars_traits CREATE TABLE chars_traits ( id integer NOT NULL, tid integer NOT NULL, -- traits.id spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(id, tid) ); -- chars_traits_hist CREATE TABLE chars_traits_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, tid integer NOT NULL, -- traits.id spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(chid, tid) ); -- chars_vns CREATE TABLE chars_vns ( id integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, -- vn.id rid integer NULL, -- releases.id spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, role char_role NOT NULL DEFAULT 'main' ); -- chars_vns_hist CREATE TABLE chars_vns_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, -- vn.id rid integer NULL, -- releases.id spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, role char_role NOT NULL DEFAULT 'main' ); -- login_throttle CREATE TABLE login_throttle ( ip inet NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, timeout timestamptz NOT NULL ); -- notifications CREATE TABLE notifications ( id serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, uid integer NOT NULL, date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), read timestamptz, ntype notification_ntype NOT NULL, ltype notification_ltype NOT NULL, iid integer NOT NULL, subid integer, c_title text NOT NULL, c_byuser integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- producers CREATE TABLE producers ( -- dbentry_type=p id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, type producer_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'co', name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', website varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', lang language NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ja', "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150), rgraph integer -- relgraphs.id ); -- producers_hist CREATE TABLE producers_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, type producer_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'co', name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', website varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', lang language NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ja', "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150) ); -- producers_relations CREATE TABLE producers_relations ( id integer NOT NULL, pid integer NOT NULL, -- producers.id relation producer_relation NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id, pid) ); -- producers_relations_hist CREATE TABLE producers_relations_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, pid integer NOT NULL, -- producers.id relation producer_relation NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(chid, pid) ); -- quotes CREATE TABLE quotes ( vid integer NOT NULL, quote varchar(250) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(vid, quote) ); -- releases CREATE TABLE releases ( -- dbentry_type=r id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, title varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type release_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'complete', website varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', catalog varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', gtin bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, released integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notes text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', minage smallint, patch boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, freeware boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, doujin boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, resolution smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, voiced smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ani_story smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ani_ero smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- releases_hist CREATE TABLE releases_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', type release_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'complete', website varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', catalog varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', gtin bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, released integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, notes text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', minage smallint, patch boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, freeware boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, doujin boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, resolution smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, voiced smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ani_story smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ani_ero smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- releases_lang CREATE TABLE releases_lang ( id integer NOT NULL, lang language NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id, lang) ); -- releases_lang_hist CREATE TABLE releases_lang_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, lang language NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(chid, lang) ); -- releases_media CREATE TABLE releases_media ( id integer NOT NULL, medium medium NOT NULL, qty smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(id, medium, qty) ); -- releases_media_hist CREATE TABLE releases_media_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, medium medium NOT NULL, qty smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, PRIMARY KEY(chid, medium, qty) ); -- releases_platforms CREATE TABLE releases_platforms ( id integer NOT NULL, platform platform NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(id, platform) ); -- releases_platforms_hist CREATE TABLE releases_platforms_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, platform platform NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(chid, platform) ); -- releases_producers CREATE TABLE releases_producers ( id integer NOT NULL, pid integer NOT NULL, -- producers.id developer boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, publisher boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, CHECK(developer OR publisher), PRIMARY KEY(id, pid) ); -- releases_producers_hist CREATE TABLE releases_producers_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, pid integer NOT NULL, -- producers.id developer boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, publisher boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, CHECK(developer OR publisher), PRIMARY KEY(chid, pid) ); -- releases_vn CREATE TABLE releases_vn ( id integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, -- vn.id PRIMARY KEY(id, vid) ); -- releases_vn_hist CREATE TABLE releases_vn_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, -- vn.id PRIMARY KEY(chid, vid) ); -- relgraphs CREATE TABLE relgraphs ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, svg xml NOT NULL ); -- rlists CREATE TABLE rlists ( uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, rid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, status smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY(uid, rid) ); -- screenshots CREATE TABLE screenshots ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, width smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, height smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- sessions CREATE TABLE sessions ( uid integer NOT NULL, token bytea NOT NULL, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), lastused timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY (uid, token) ); -- staff CREATE TABLE staff ( -- dbentry_type=s id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, aid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- staff_alias.aid gender gender NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', lang language NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ja', "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_site varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_twitter varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_anidb integer ); -- staff_hist CREATE TABLE staff_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, aid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- Can't refer to staff_alias.id, because the alias might have been deleted gender gender NOT NULL DEFAULT 'unknown', lang language NOT NULL DEFAULT 'ja', "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_site varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_twitter varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_anidb integer ); -- staff_alias CREATE TABLE staff_alias ( id integer NOT NULL, aid SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- Globally unique ID of this alias name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- staff_alias_hist CREATE TABLE staff_alias_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- staff_alias.aid, but can't reference it because the alias may have been deleted name varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY(chid, aid) ); -- stats_cache CREATE TABLE stats_cache ( section varchar(25) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, count integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- tags CREATE TABLE tags ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(250) NOT NULL UNIQUE, description text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', meta boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), state smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_items integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, addedby integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, cat tag_category NOT NULL DEFAULT 'cont' ); -- tags_aliases CREATE TABLE tags_aliases ( alias varchar(250) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, tag integer NOT NULL ); -- tags_parents CREATE TABLE tags_parents ( tag integer NOT NULL, parent integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(tag, parent) ); -- tags_vn CREATE TABLE tags_vn ( tag integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, uid integer NOT NULL, vote smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 3 CHECK (vote >= -3 AND vote <= 3 AND vote <> 0), spoiler smallint CHECK(spoiler >= 0 AND spoiler <= 2), date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), ignore boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, PRIMARY KEY(tag, vid, uid) ); -- tags_vn_inherit CREATE TABLE tags_vn_inherit ( tag integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, users integer NOT NULL, rating real NOT NULL, spoiler smallint NOT NULL ); -- threads CREATE TABLE threads ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, count smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- threads_posts CREATE TABLE threads_posts ( tid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, num smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), edited timestamptz, msg text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY(tid, num) ); -- threads_boards CREATE TABLE threads_boards ( tid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, type board_type NOT NULL, iid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(tid, type, iid) ); -- traits CREATE TABLE traits ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(250) NOT NULL, alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', description text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', meta boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), state smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, addedby integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "group" integer, "order" smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, sexual boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT false, c_items integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 ); -- traits_chars CREATE TABLE traits_chars ( cid integer NOT NULL, tid integer NOT NULL, spoil smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, PRIMARY KEY(cid, tid) ); -- traits_parents CREATE TABLE traits_parents ( trait integer NOT NULL, parent integer NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(trait, parent) ); -- users CREATE TABLE users ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, username varchar(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE, mail varchar(100) NOT NULL, perm smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1+4+16, -- Interpretation of the passwd column depends on its length: -- * 29 bytes: Password reset token -- First 9 bytes: salt (ASCII) -- Latter 20 bytes: sha1(hex(token) + salt) -- 'token' is a sha1 digest obtained from random data. -- * 46 bytes: scrypt password -- 4 bytes: N (big endian) -- 1 byte: r -- 1 byte: p -- 8 bytes: salt -- 32 bytes: scrypt(passwd, global_salt + salt, N, r, p, 32) -- * Anything else: Invalid, account disabled. passwd bytea NOT NULL DEFAULT '', registered timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), c_votes integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_changes integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ip inet NOT NULL DEFAULT '', c_tags integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, ign_votes boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, email_confirmed boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); -- users_prefs CREATE TABLE users_prefs ( uid integer NOT NULL, key prefs_key NOT NULL, value varchar NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(uid, key) ); -- vn CREATE TABLE vn ( -- dbentry_type=v id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, locked boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, hidden boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, title varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', length smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, img_nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, image integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_encubed varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_renai varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', rgraph integer, -- relgraphs.id c_released integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_languages language[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', c_olang language[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', c_platforms platform[] NOT NULL DEFAULT '{}', c_popularity real, c_rating real, c_votecount integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, c_search text ); -- vn_hist CREATE TABLE vn_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, title varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', original varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', alias varchar(500) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', length smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, img_nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, image integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, "desc" text NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_wp varchar(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_encubed varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_renai varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ); -- vn_anime CREATE TABLE vn_anime ( id integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- anime.id PRIMARY KEY(id, aid) ); -- vn_anime_hist CREATE TABLE vn_anime_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- anime.id PRIMARY KEY(chid, aid) ); -- vn_relations CREATE TABLE vn_relations ( id integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, -- vn.id relation vn_relation NOT NULL, official boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, PRIMARY KEY(id, vid) ); -- vn_relations_hist CREATE TABLE vn_relations_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, -- vn.id relation vn_relation NOT NULL, official boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE, PRIMARY KEY(chid, vid) ); -- vn_screenshots CREATE TABLE vn_screenshots ( id integer NOT NULL, scr integer NOT NULL, -- screenshots.id rid integer, -- releases.id (only NULL for old revisions, nowadays not allowed anymore) nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY(id, scr) ); -- vn_screenshots_hist CREATE TABLE vn_screenshots_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, scr integer NOT NULL, rid integer, nsfw boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, PRIMARY KEY(chid, scr) ); -- vn_seiyuu CREATE TABLE vn_seiyuu ( id integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- staff_alias.aid cid integer NOT NULL, -- chars.id note varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id, aid, cid) ); -- vn_seiyuu_hist CREATE TABLE vn_seiyuu_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- staff_alias.aid, but can't reference it because the alias may have been deleted cid integer NOT NULL, -- chars.id note varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (chid, aid, cid) ); -- vn_staff CREATE TABLE vn_staff ( id integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- staff_alias.aid role credit_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'staff', note varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id, aid, role) ); -- vn_staff_hist CREATE TABLE vn_staff_hist ( chid integer NOT NULL, aid integer NOT NULL, -- See note at vn_seiyuu_hist.aid role credit_type NOT NULL DEFAULT 'staff', note varchar(250) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (chid, aid, role) ); -- vnlists CREATE TABLE vnlists ( uid integer NOT NULL, vid integer NOT NULL, status smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, added TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), notes varchar NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY(uid, vid) ); -- votes CREATE TABLE votes ( vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vote integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, date timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY(vid, uid) ); -- wlists CREATE TABLE wlists ( uid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, vid integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, wstat smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, added timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(), PRIMARY KEY(uid, vid) ); CREATE TABLE polls ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, tid integer UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- references threads question varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', max_options smallint NOT NULL DEFAULT 1, preview boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE, recast boolean NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE ); CREATE TABLE polls_options ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, pid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES polls (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, option varchar(100) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE polls_votes ( pid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES polls (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, uid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES users (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, optid integer NOT NULL REFERENCES polls_options (id) ON DELETE CASCADE, PRIMARY KEY (pid, uid, optid) ); ALTER TABLE polls ADD FOREIGN KEY (tid) REFERENCES threads (id) ON DELETE CASCADE;