#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # execute update_1.17.sql first `psql -U vndb < /www/vndb/util/updates/update_1.17.sql`; use lib '/www/vndb/lib'; BEGIN { require 'global.pl'; } # modules in the VNDB:: namespace aren't made to be included in # frameworks other than VNDB.pm... so we'll just emulate # a few functions of the framework to get DB.pm working package VNDB; use VNDB::Util::Tools; # for GTINType use VNDB::Util::DB; sub AuthInfo { { id => 1 } } # multi sub ReqIP { '' } package main; my $db = bless { _DB => VNDB::Util::DB->new(@VNDB::DBLOGIN), }, 'VNDB'; my $rids = $db->DBAll(q| SELECT r.id, rr.notes FROM releases r JOIN releases_rev rr ON rr.id = r.latest WHERE r.hidden <> 1 AND r.locked <> 1 AND rr.notes ILIKE '%JAN%' AND rr.gtin = 0 ORDER BY r.id |); my $edits=0; for my $r (@$rids) { my $codes=0; $codes++ while($r->{notes} =~ /[0-9]{12,13}/g); if($codes > 1) { print "$$r{id}: found more than one GTIN-like code...\n"; next; } my $jan; if($r->{notes} =~ s/[\s\n(]*JAN(?:(?:\s+|-)code)?\s*[:\x{FF1A}]\s*([0-9-]+)[\s\n)]*//i) { ($jan = $1) =~ s/-//g; if(!VNDB::GTINType($jan)) { print "$$r{id}: invalid GTIN code ($jan), ignoring\n"; next; } } else { print "$$r{id}: matches on 'JAN', but couldn't find the code...\n"; next; } my $p = $db->DBGetRelease(id => $r->{id}, what => 'changes vn producers platforms media')->[0]; $db->DBEditRelease($r->{id}, (map { $_ => $p->{$_} } qw| title original language website minage type released platforms |), producers => [ map { $_->{id} } @{$p->{producers}} ], media => [ map { [ $_->{medium}, $_->{qty} ] } @{$p->{media}} ], vn => [ map { $_->{vid} } @{$p->{vn}} ], gtin => $jan, notes => $r->{notes}, comm => "(automated edit caused by VNDB upgrade to 1.17)\nMoving JAN code from notes to GTIN field." ); $edits++; } $db->DBCommit; print "Modified $edits releases...\n";