-- store relation graph image maps in the database CREATE TABLE relgraph ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, cmap text NOT NULL DEFAULT '' ) WITHOUT OIDS; DROP SEQUENCE relgraph_seq; ALTER TABLE vn ALTER COLUMN rgraph DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE vn ALTER COLUMN rgraph SET DEFAULT NULL; UPDATE vn SET rgraph = NULL; ALTER TABLE vn ADD FOREIGN KEY (rgraph) REFERENCES relgraph (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; -- add foreign table constraint to changes.causedby ALTER TABLE changes ALTER COLUMN causedby DROP NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE changes ALTER COLUMN causedby SET DEFAULT NULL; UPDATE changes c SET causedby = NULL WHERE causedby = 0 -- yup, there are some problems caused by deleted revisions in older versions of the site OR NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM changes WHERE c.causedby = id); ALTER TABLE changes ADD FOREIGN KEY (causedby) REFERENCES changes (id) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED; -- another foreign key constraint: (threads.id, threads.count) -> (threads_posts.tid, threads_posts.num) -- threads_posts converted to smallint as well ALTER TABLE threads_posts ALTER COLUMN num TYPE smallint; ALTER TABLE threads ADD FOREIGN KEY (id, count) REFERENCES threads_posts (tid, num) DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED;